
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Summers' Last Roses, 4x4 Inches, Original Acrylic painting by Kelley MacDonald

$65 & $10 S&H

I gathered what I think will be the last of the summer roses - deep orange, pale pink, red streaked with white, for a tiny bouquet.  This is also a tiny painting - I saw the light hitting it so that flecks of the roses' colors were in the base of the vase, and I had to paint it.  Busy weekend (aren't they all?)... we went to Waterfire with friends on Saturday night after grilled swordfish and the sunset on the front porch... today I did a demo at the Art Stable Gallery, then headed out to the beach for grilled hot dogs and another glorious sunset, melting into views of the starry night, including a great view of the Milky Way.... I always say God is the best artist...  I can't wait to show you my demo from today - tomorrow's post!

The classes are filling - new and old friends...  please reserve now while there's still room!
Just wondering... is there any interest in a Saturday class?


  1. I don't know why, Kelley, but this one of my favorites. Just lovely and a perfect bouquet! I couldn't answer for anyone but if I lived out there, I would indeed be interested in a Saturday class. I get so frustrated that I can't find classes out here but during business hours.

  2. Your weekend sounds marvelous and I would have loved to see you demoing! Sweet little painting with the last roses...great bits of color in the vase- bling!! Awesome idea on the One Day Wonder workshop! Folks near you should jump all over that! You would be a fabulous teacher!


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