
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Coco's Best, 12x12 Inches Oil Painting of Chocolate Lab by Kelley MacDonald

This is the 3rd in a series of dogs swimming, this one being at a Dock Dogs competition.  I thought Coco was a pretty cool name for a Chocolate Lab, and I certainly am enjoying painting the pool water! This, along with the other two, will be available at my Open Studio this weekend, on the South Coast Open Studio Tour!

From anywhere: get to Route 195 and take exit 8A, Route 24 to Newport.
Take Exit 5 and take a LEFT off the exit onto rte 77 South.  This is Main Road, follow to 1888 Main Road! 
 I am called #8 (there is no rhyme or reason for the numbers, I know) on the MAP.  Just follow the easy directions above, you'll find me!
I'm preparing something new and exciting to show you.....


  1. I love your swimming dogs. They always make me smile. Can't wait to see what you are up to in that getup!

  2. You are TOO funny! I do love these dog paintings..really good..such true character ....more interesting than a usual dog portrait

  3. You don't wear that to paint every day?
    Love the dog's color in contrast to the pool water. Fun.

  4. You captured the moment with your brush. Great painting!!!

  5. Great painting Kelly. Love the way you painted the water. Such rich color. Wish I was closer so I could come to your open studio. Best wishes.

  6. Love the painting, and love the photo! You look like you mean business! I can hardly to wait to see what's next!

  7. That mask is a little scary - can't wait to see what comes next! Haha! Love the painting - the blue is so pretty. Nicely done!

  8. Love these many more will be joining them? The series is brilliant! I also love the picture of you...;)

  9. Kelley, the dogs are brilliant! And the unKlimpt is very appealing.

    We were hoping to get to the East Coast this summer to see you at your new studio. Guess it'll have to wait until next summer.

    By the way, the gear you're wearing is probably very functional, but I prefer that attractive smile sans the gear! Just my personal preference!


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