
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Peace Out, 6x12 Inches, Original Oil Painting


I have a thing about cairns.  Aside from the fact that they are ROCKS and I love rocks :)  I love looking at the stack of them... their different colors and shapes and textures.  I started, when I moved to RI, to collect white egg-shaped rocks.  Quickly that turned to all white smooth rocks, and then black rocks, egg shaped and also sort of tubular.  Then flattened black ones, and... a few lovely seal gray ones.  Which led to speckled ones, in brown, off white and gray based colors.

Now when I tell you that my husband practically agreed to move once because he thought (bwa-ha-ha!) that we would be rid of the rock collections... you must believe me.  And I DID leave most of them behind.... but I had partners in my crime - my 2 sons, who also loved rocks.  Now they're grown and I have to admit I have this.... addiction!  Fortunately for me every winter throws up millions of these lovely large stones on our shores.  My poor husband.  I think I will build a stone wall with them.... or decorate the garden with cairns...or paint them or something.  They seem to have little personalities!

This one is 6x12, and it just may make it to my Open Studio in August.  If not.... I'll paint another... maybe a really BIG one! :D  Be well, friends, and thank you for your comments!


  1. I always wonder what is buried beneath the cairns. Such a lovely Scots word, I believe. Anyway, this pretty little stack would look great in the rock lover's home!

  2. What a great subject. And you captured their "personalities" perfectly. Once a month, I have to bring all the rocks that people bring up to the house back to the beach!

  3. It's funny but I have a jar of beach rocks on my windowsill and have been thinking about painting them for a while now...I like your composition in this one...thank you for the inspiration!

  4. Love this zen! I also have a collection of rocks from the places we have lived. When my son was stationed in Little Rock, Arkansas, he brought me back a little rock...from...well you know...;)

  5. To make a bunch of rocks look so incredibly! love these Kelley

  6. Oh, Maria, you are too funny! Little rock from Little Rock!
    Thank you so much everyone, Laurie, Nancy and Sherrie!

  7. LOvely piece, Kelley. Stacks of rocks, stacks of donuts, I like your passions.

  8. Gorgeous cairns! That black background is so smart to just let them take center stage. Your appreciation for each little nuance is so evident in these.

  9. Suggest a lovely painting Kelley! As well as soothing and calm.


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