
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Borning Room, 8x10 inches, oil


This is from a rainy day on my recent Maine painting trip.  You may have seen Sally Dean's version, we were both drawn to the pale light as the sky decided whether or not to be done with the rain!  I'm no Connie Hayes, but I do love doing interiors!   The first year I stayed in Maine with this group I opted to sleep in this room, the Borning Room, off the dining room.  Old poster bed, chenille bedspread, rocker with woven chair pad.... what's not to love?  This study took about an hour.  We were all in different rooms working away, with a nice banter/singing going back and forth... real camaraderie.  No cell or internet for 7 days.  It re-set MY clock, I'll tell you!


  1. This has such a nice feeling to it!

  2. Just makes me want to get a book and cozy up for a nice quiet read...

  3. Wonderful light, color, and feel to this scene. I love the quick sketch! 7 days without cell or internet? Sounds wonderful!

  4. You have such a knack for picking out special scenes. This reminds me of rocking babies. Great painting!!!

  5. Reminds me of being in Maine or a day at my grandmothers thanks for such lovely memories.

  6. I think this is just beautiful! Like Karen Bruson says, wonderful light and color.


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