
Sunday, June 17, 2012

I Just Met A Girl Named Maria!, 6x6 Inches, Oil


Friends, meet Maria Bennet Hock.  Though she looks like a stern person here, it's just her mugshot persona.  She is just lovely inside and out, and we became friends at Karin Jurick's workshop in Hilton Head.  She is the brains AND the brawn behind the Hilton Head Gang Mugshots.  She's widely travelled, compassionate, smart and just plain funny!  I think I won't bore you with the rest of the mug shots - I'll show you the collage of them when I get THAT finished.

Very excited at selling my big painting of 3 Little Graces at my new gallery, the Art Stable Gallery - which, BTW is having our big Opening this very Friday evening, from 6-8:30 at 865 Main Road, Westport, MASSACHUSETTS.  (Caps for all the folks who asked me how many hours I have to drive to CT.... Westport MA is the next town over from Tiverton!)  Anyway it is going to be a TIME.


  1. Un autre très joli portrait...

    Gros bisous à vous.

  2. Oh to have hair like this! She is another beauty, Kelley. I've enjoyed your mugshots and spent some time visiting the link of mugshots you gave the other day. Wonderful work!

  3. OHMYGOODNESS! She is gorgeous! hahaha! Love my mug! Congrats on selling the Three Graces...the Art Stable Gallery is fabulous!

  4. Can you hear me clapping? I'm excited about your sale! Yipee, Yipee! I'm sending you good vibes for the Friday show...can you feel them?

  5. Wonderful mug of Maria! And the blue background works great.
    Isn't it sad to see this challenge come to an end? - Looking forward to our monthly challenges though!

  6. I've loved watching these mug shots develop! Such a fun project. Congrats on your sales!!! YAY!!!


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