
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Breathe, Ocean Study, 4x4 Inches, Oil


This is kind of a Zen painting.  I stood at the (Horseneck) beach and listened to, and watched the waves come in, and studied all the colors of the water and the sky and the sand... it's another 'baby' painting - one meant for desk-side company.  I love doing these little ones - honestly I've never thought about it, but it's an amazing way to do studies for larger works.  I think, now, I will probably attempt this in a 24x24 format, on board.  I'd like to have a few of these in large scale scattered around my home, to remind me to breathe...


  1. Comment ne pas se sentir bien en admirant cette toile ?... Il y a une telle limpidité et une telle sérénité que oui cela fait du bien...
    gros bisous

  2. Oh boy! That water is so beautiful, so inviting. I just want to be standing in the shallows and feel the waves on my ankles and stare out to sea.

  3. I can feel the ocean! Isn't it wonderful activate all your senses and paint the shore? Nice.

  4. It IS very zen...very calming. What a nice reminder to simplify.

  5. Beautiful! I love how the horizon line is diffused. A 24 x 24 version will sure be a breather, but the desk side version is brilliant. :)

  6. Love this one Kelley. Colors and calm feel are wonderful!

  7. To capture our quiet moments is indeed a gift we recieve from painting for only ourselves and our needs. You certainly did this in both of your last post but especially this one. Love it

  8. Kelley I love it love it love it! As larger wall hanging it will be spell binding. Go for it!

  9. Kelley I love is poetic in its simplicity and you really nailed it!

  10. Wow, what a breath of fresh air!!! Love it.

  11. Love it Kelley! The subtle shifts of color in the water are wonderful. Love the colors, simplicity and peaceful mood you captured! Great job!!

  12. Kelley, thank you, you always have so great artwork, love this ocean painting, looks so comfortable.


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