
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Vince, 4x4 Inches, Oil

This is the final mugshot, and we have gone beyond the mugs of the group and have included Vince Fazio who was the facilitator for Karin Jurick's workshop in Hilton Head.  
Please note - this is NOT my last mug shot... I still have about 7 to do!

And you guys were so great about sending me titles for the Beach Woman!  :)


  1. Love that you've added the facilitator to your mug shots. Fabulous work, Kelley!

  2. There he is! Looking good! What a great project and you have done a wonderful it!

  3. Never met Vince but you have captured a personality so well that seems like I have met an old friend...well not exactly "old".... Kelley you know what I mean :)

  4. Don't know the gentleman, but I am sure this is a good likeness. Love it!!!

  5. Oooh! Effortless brushwork and color harmony here, Kelley!! Really nice!!

  6. Kelley, great job! I knew who this was even before I read your post! A perfect likeness!

  7. Un travail extraordinaire... Je n'ai pas la photo de référence mais je suis certaine que vous avez capturé parfaitement son expression.
    Gros bisous

  8. Love this one! Vince is just the nicest man around and you captured that kindness right in his eyes...This is one of my favorites!! Great job Kelley!


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