
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Moi, 4x4 Inches, Oil


Trying to catch up on my Hilton Head Gang Mugshots, and you don't think I filed them anywhere, do you?  So I'm back to Week 5, which just happened to be me.  And I'm going to forgive myself for the butcher jobs I did on my friends I've painted previously, as painting this face I know so well was SO hard!  I got the right side better than the left, who knows why?  Maybe it's because of that strange arched  eyebrow.  Or the ear.  

Another tip:  This was done in Karin Jurick's method - painted on gessobord, with black matte Rustoleum sprayed on it.  BE SURE you let the rustoleum dry completely.  I did not, and the paint wouldn't lay down on it, and kept getting gloppy.  3 hours on this one, and it was either say "I'm done!" or take a flying leap out the 2nd story window.  I chose to be finished....  Here's my 'blurb':

Kelley “MacGrins” MacDonald is the next notorious member to be sought.  You may think her smiling face is harmless...until you see your smiling mug on one of her blogs.  She waltzes in to a room, a beach or an event, smiling and acting all “I’m your friend” and then shoots at will.  She doesn’t leave until she has captured every available smile.  When ready leave the island...Suspiciously...her little red sports car was missing...she left Hilton Head in a newly acquired Jag shouting “Girls Just Wanna Paint!”  She drove up the coast stopping along the way to visit accomplices.  She has hideouts everywhere.  Beware the smile...


  1. perfect right down to the earring! I love it!

  2. Well with all the trouble you had with it, it turned out great. I'm glad you decided to be done and not jump! Nice lipstick on your mug shot :)

  3. Love the blurb and the painting. The brush strokes on the face are a stroke of genius. I know Paco loves this--mama looking so serious.

  4. So fabulous! I recognized you from the thumbnail so it has to be a good likeness!

  5. This looks like it was such a fun project and you definitely got your likeness. So, instead of a Jeep trip, how about a "Jag" trip?

  6. Good job on this Kelley. Definitely have experienced the painting on the sprayed ground too soon. A mess. Wonderful skin tones and love the green background.

  7. I think you did a great job- love the skin tones and I would like a lipstick in just that color- gorgeous! Love the earring too:)

  8. we knew it was you, and this is so cool!

  9. That is totally the attitude we all recognize and love! Yes, that earring is definitely special...and a 4x4!? wow.

  10. Definitely you! I like the mugshot attitude too!

  11. Self portraits are NOT easy! Love yours!

  12. I think self portraits are the very hardest subject of all. This is painted freshly, appealingly and beautifully!

  13. It's fabulous... and brave of you do do this

  14. Awesome! Love everything about it!


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