
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Change In Direction, 6x12 Inches, Oil Painting of Seagulls

Also, Not (Yet) For Sale

On Saturday I was frustrated painting.  At the end of the day this was what I came up with.  I was ultimately happy with it.  And thus began... as you will see... a little obsession with seagulls!  I liked the dark foliage on the dunes behind the gulls. 

And this painting, below, is a 30x30 Inch painting which was accepted into the Focus On Figures Show at North River Arts Society, I was thrilled to learn this!
"Three Little Graces"


  1. Mes sincères félicitations pour l'agrément de votre peinture... Bien mérité.
    Un beau trio que celui de vos mouettes.
    gros bisous

  2. I too love how that foliage came out, Kelley. Congratulations on the acceptance into the figures show! I love in the Three Graces how you can see their trepidation of the cold water to come!

  3. congrats kelley- and I lOVE these!
    I think you could b the seagull artist of the century!

  4. Congratulations, Kelley, this one is a beauty!

  5. Congrats on getting into the show and I really, really like the seagull painting!

  6. The seagull painting is fantabulous! I love the canvas size.
    Happy Sunday.


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