
Monday, January 23, 2012

Work In Progress: SNOW Scene

What do you do when it's a frozen tundra outside, and you want to paint,  but you don't want to even drive to the studio?  You set up at home and make a tryptic of the snow scenes (from last year!).  This is almost done on the front, but as each canvas is on gallery wrap the sides need to be finished, then I'll mount them in a floater frame.  What I loved about painting this was 1) I painted it so that each canvas could stand on its own and 2) painting in acrylic I can layer and layer and layer - with all those gorgeous colors showing through!

And... my workshop has already started filling up!  Reserve your space, Feb. 23 & 24!  Top right of the blog!


  1. Une belle scène de neige... Il est vrai que la neige est très colorée...
    Il me tarde de voir la fin de votre travail.
    Gros bisous

  2. This is marvelous as is. I think this grayed orange is inspired and conveys wonderful winter light somehow- very cool!

  3. Oh boy!! My mind is off and running with the perfect kind of room for this gorgeous piece to hang! Really strong piece, Kelley!

  4. I am loving this tryptic. And...I love that each piece can stand on it's own. Lucky folks getting the opportunity to take a workshop from you! I know how good a teacher you are and they need to JUMP on that chance to learn from the best:):)

  5. The shadows are wonderful as is the snow. How big is it? It looks fabulous.

  6. Kelly all I can say is Wow, you make me almost miss RI. I did not paint much when we lived there but this really makes me wish I had looked harder. You gave such a warm glow to the snow, it is wonderful to see this, thanks

  7. DUH! 2 12x6's and the center one is a 12 x12. So.... 12 x 24!

    THANK you guys!

  8. Beautiful! So all those layers of color. Well done, Kelley!

  9. Love the work Kelley, the light and shadows really reflect a winters day.

  10. It is fabulous! I find it difficult to concentrate on painting when it's summer outside. I need some snow ;)

    1. Sorry, I'd send you some but it disappeared overnight in fog! You're on your own!

  11. Kelley, lovely, as usual! Good luck with the snow and have a great work shop! Wish that I was there!

  12. What a great idea this is and you are doing a wonderful job on it. Sorry you are all frozen up there-it's chilly here, too-only 62 today. Seriously, though, I wish I could come up and take your workshop because I KNOW it will be a great one and everyone will have lots of fun.

  13. Beautiful, Kelley ... You know how I LOVE layers! This has such a beautiful wintery glow to it ... I can almost feel the chill in the air.

    I hope your workshop is a fantastic success!

  14. I love it Kelley..I also love the trp tych thing..I am just about to post a dip tych..Your workshop sounds like a blast..wish I could come

  15. Absolutely love this!! Fabulous colors in the shadows and the lights!

  16. Love this, Kelley! I would love to see it in person. Looks like it glows!

    Boy, I sure wish I could attend your class!! I'd learn from the best!! And we'd have a lot of fun!

  17. I want to be in your workshop and I love all three paintings.


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