
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Roxanne! Hilton Head Gang Mugshot! 4x4 Inches, Oil

This is a comrade from my time on Hilton Head Island - and the latest in my attempt to keep up with that wily, and productive group (you can see the whole shebang, as it progresses HERE) with a mugshot of Roxanne Duke.  If you check out her blog you can see what she is submitting to the Sedona Arts Center show.

I think the more of these you do, the better you get (well, me anyway)  - I hope.  It certainly is freeing, the more you do, and I thank Karin Jurick for forcing me :) to try it.  And I also think that the more you examine any model, the more beautiful they become to you.  And the easier it is to paint them.  NOT that my paintings 'beautify' my subjects at all!  These mug shots are supposed to reflect their 'tough' side!

*In other news I was thrilled to hear my painting below was accepted into the the Duxbury Art Assocation's Winter Show at the Duxbury Art Museum*
Feb. 5th through April


  1. Un portrait tout à fait réussi... Il n'est pas aisé de peindre des lunettes sur un visage.
    Gros bisous

  2. Congrats on the Duxbury show!! Love that painting- your olives have such personality. Love this series...this one is fabulous!

  3. Awesome mug shot and congrats on your painting be accepted into the show. You've made me crave green olives at 5:16 a.m.

  4. I love your brush strokes in her hair. You carved it out with just a few strokes. Roxanne looks great!

  5. She looks fabulously notorious! AND it is nice to know that Duxbury Art Association has such good taste. It will be a wonderful show I am sure!

  6. I love all the texture on this piece. It adds character to the character. Totally digging some of the black ground showing through the hair. Awesome job!

  7. Congratulations, Kelley....I didn't make it.
    Great olives.

  8. Thank you guys so much! Craving olives at 5:15 a.m. - I love it! :D

  9. Amazing Mugshot! :) Congrats on the show! Love the Olives!

  10. Love what you're doing with portraits.... and martinis.. um I mean olives :)
    Congrats on the show!

  11. Love the olives and the gin. Can't wait to show it to my martini friend. Congrats on the show.


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