
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Donut War! The Ammo Pile, 6x6 Inches Oil painting of Jelly Donuts

So... I am preparing for a full fledged invasion from Susan Roden in our weekly Donut War!  This time I painted something near and dear to my heart - a great big pile of soft, plump, jelly donuts from Dunkin's!  Last Summer a couple of painter friends and I went on a road trip, with the obligatory stop at Dunkin Donuts to stock up on iced coffee for the ride.  They had just put out this big tray full of sweet jelly and sugar pastries...  we had the poor donut man model (another day's painting) with one in his hand, and I snapped a few shots of this great big pile of ammunition for the Donut War!
Susan, you'd better duck.... sweetness coming your way!
*The first person to buy a donut painting this year gets my Donut wall calendar as a treat!*
Oh, yes, Happy MLK day.  I was going to do a portrait of him, then I learned that his family 'owns' his image (how can that be?).  I want to own my image, thus preventing any goofy shots of me with one eye closed, or a disappearing chin from getting into the public domain....


  1. A pile of ammo . . . oh no!
    I better aim good with my one - and - only solitary chocolate glazed goodie, for am getting pelted here in sunny San Diego.

    Good one Kelley:)

  2. Yummy x 11!!! This is truly a box full of ammunition! Great job, Kelley!

  3. Ah-mazing pile of ammunition. Gorgeous yumminess everywhere-just love the composition. The jelly part is my favorite!

  4. Scrumptious!! Delicious! Lip smacking good. Watch out Susan!

  5. I love how you got them to look so puffy! Great job on the gooey jelly too!Nice work!

  6. delicious, ooey, gooey ammo! Love the pops of gooey red jelly.

  7. Love this one Kelley, so many great donuts all in one painting. I love opening your posts on Mondays and getting my sugar fix for the week with zero calories as a bonus.

  8. Wow, this is some pile--great composition and great painting.

  9. Not just one perfect donut, but 11. These are fabulous Kelley! I'm guessing the donut guy had as much fun with you as you did with him!!

  10. Love the way you cropped this. Love the yellow on the doughnuts and the sporadic jelly oozing out. A good one to start the week off.

  11. Delectable! Each time I pass the Dunkin's on Rte 1 in Nobleboro, ME; I think of our time in Maine and I smile. These even look warm.

  12. She better watch out this one is fully loaded!
    GREAT job Kelley.

  13. This is such a great composition Kelley! AS always, the donuts really look like donuts. I have a feeling that is easier said then done. I wonder if DD has stats on the increase in sales on days of the donut war posts. It be worth looking into maybe they will give some commission. :)

  14. Awesome painting!!!! That is a lot of ammo:) What luck to walk in just as they put a tray of jelly donuts out, was meant to be!! Love your donut paintings:) I want to own my image also! I have been known to insist on approval of my photos after being taken nothing worse than horrible pics popping up on fb to be shared with 500 of your closest friends and theirs.

  15. Delicious and Yummy! You're taking the lead with this one :)

  16. Amazing the way you add the sugar and that jelly! Every Monday I am glad we do not have a Dunkin in our town. Love the pile because nobody can eat just one.

  17. WONDERFUL!! i absolutely LOVE this. what's not to love anyway, but when you paint them they become even more special!! excellent concept!

  18. You are the undisputed queen of jellies. No one paints them like you do and this tray is gorgeous!

    Now, about owning images. I don't know how it's done either, but it sure can be a mine field for artists. While living in Louisville, I discovered that Churchill Downs owns the twin spires image and it cannot be reproduced without their consent and good luck with that. Does that mean we have to research every landmark and every famous person before we can paint them? I'll stick with flowers and abstracts, thank you very much!

  19. I laughed out loud at your post! Been craving jelly donuts all day! Love 'em in a pile!

  20. I love it! Donut war...awesome. I was going to start a bagel the donuts..

  21. On ne reste pas affamé en admirant cette peinture!!! de belles couleurs.
    Gros bisous


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