
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Snow Globe With Santa And Snowman, 6x8 inches, Oil

$100 & $10 S&H

My annual obsession with Holiday trinkets - starts here with this snow globe.  I have a number of them, so I have a few coming up!  Things are so busy this time of year, aren't they?  I'm happily working on a few commissions, humming holiday music (yes, I think you CAN call it Holiday music, because there are many albums with no words..).
All the while I'm working on my website, Imagekind, Picnik, etc. etc... expanding my knowledge base - at this rate my brain will be SO fit! :D  


  1. That's why I couldn't sleep...I was anxiously awaiting the snow globe painting! Great much detail for such a small piece. Love the glass and the bright red colors. Feels like Christmas!

  2. So pretty!! I love Christmas and it sounds as though you share the joy!

  3. Merry Merry! I look at this and just see how beautifully you handled such a tough subject. Love that you have a snow globe with both a Santa and a snowman:) Love the way you painted the background inside the!

  4. I'm sensing a bit of Karin Jurick paint application here! Great job with the "details" and great colors! I love this!

  5. This makes me smile- a bit of whimsy to start my day!

  6. What a great likeness of a snow globe - especially with all of the details as well reflections - even in a daily painting. (I would love to know how you manage to capture all of those details within a few hours of the same day.) Beautiful!

  7. Love this snow globe. The black in the background sets off the beautiful colors in the globe. Great idea!

  8. Sweet Kelley! It looks great and very festive. I can hear the Christmas music playing away ; )

  9. It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas .... :-D

    I love this, Kelley! I know I'm going to like all your Christmas trinket paintings. You use such happy colors!

  10. Well done my dear. This is fantastic. Looking forward to more of your trinkets.Sounds like your busy busy. Glad to hear you are humming while you work.


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