
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Old Friends, 6x6 Inches, Oil

$100 & $10 S&H

Now home from my Karin J's workshop, I'm alone and on my own in my studio.  YIKES.  Ok, I'm remembering what she talked about. I can do this!   I've got my own photos.  This one was from a painting trip to Maine -(remember, Jody?) where we painted at Pemmaquid Light(house).  These 2 women sat on a bench with a fabulous view of the ocean and rocks below.  They were traveling companions, and very comfortable with each other.  I liked the way the one on the right leans in...  Sadly, I think I actually own the same hat as the lady on the left.  :O

On Saturday and Sunday Nov. 12 and 13, at the famous North River Arts Society's Holiday Sale there is a 'Stage Sale' for larger, more 'significant' paintings.  Every artist can put in one painting.  This one is the one I submitted, below.  
Magical Moonlit Evening 12x16
And here I'd like to say 'hi' to Amber - who I met at the drop-off - thank you for supporting my blog!  I truly appreciate it!


  1. Nice, Kelley. Love the composition and your color choices. The thumbnail pulled me in. Great job.

  2. You are never alone! Not with the blogger world out there! That is a great little painting and you really captured the warm friendship of two older woman! That could be us! Keep up the great work!

  3. Hey, as soon as I saw this painting, I recognized Pemaquid. There's a certain "sitting on the edge of the world" look which you captured.
    Makes me smile to remember being there with you.

  4. Well, you might have her hat, Kel, but I have her butt. Sigh...It is a lovely painting and I love the sisterly feel of it. The painting for the show is just stunning!

  5. Mornin' Kelley, Old Friends is lovely. And, your Magical Moonlit Moment is sure to be a winner. So very different and interesting.

  6. Yes, you did remember!!! Beautiful the bright colors and the way you can instantly tell they are "old friends"!

  7. Great painting. You CAN do this! I love the color combination.

  8. Kelley, this painting is really wonderful! Graphically simple and such striking color. Bravo!

  9. Love your work from the KJ work shp! Perfect! Also love the night sky painting, so dramatic!

  10. Great painting, I can see why you were drawn to the two ladies and you get extra credit points for the stripes! what a really wonderful painting you have below,Wow that one will get snatch up at the show.

  11. This is beautiful. Very KJ.
    Also, your "purple lady" was the BEST!!!

  12. Thanks, guys, and Lynn... thank you. (I THINK I can, I THINK I can...)

  13. Both paintings are sensational. Loved your visit.

  14. absolutely LOVE the ladies kelley! welcome back, looks like you had a great time. magical moonlit is lovely!

  15. Your moonlight painting is magical. Love it!

  16. Love those ladies! This painting made me smile. Very nice!


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