
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mug Shot, 4x4 Inches, Oil

Oh!  Very glare-y!  Today Karin had us to mug shots.  I resisted.  I never liked the mug shots because I thought it was catching someone at the lowest point in their life.  But you know, in a workshop you do what the instructor asks, so I did it.  And you know what?  I LOVED it!  This model never moved!  And if I was a little off one thing or another - no one is going to say "Hey, that's ME and I have bigger eyes than that!"
This workshop is totally rocking.  The group is bonding and we laugh so hard our sides hurt.  AND there is serious learning going on.  I bet each of us has a story about an AHA moment.  Mine was that Karin can take a lovely photo and make it spectacular painting because she uses colors she loves.  And she has enough experience and intuition to know what colors will work with each other.  And enough guts to try them out  -  and is not devastated if they don't work.  She just goes back and tries something else.  Sounds simple, doesn't it?  Well it wasn't a 'given' for me... until now...

Painted Desert Soup at Santa Fe Cafe on Hilton Head Island... De-lish!


  1. You gave a softness to this face that is very appealing! You are in Hilton Head which is about 30 minutes away! Don't you love this weather? I wish that I had known this workshop was coming up! Enjoy!!!

  2. Love the mug shot, Kelley! Well done! I wouldn't have known it was a mug shot either, had you not told me. There is something rather 50's-60's looking while at the same time, present day modern about this one. I like that feeling!

  3. Love your lively commentary about the Karin Jurrick workshop. The mug shot is fabulous and that HH painted desert soup looks too good to eat. TGIF no you wish this workshop lasted for a month. Safe travels on your way home.

  4. Great mug shot, Kelley. Wow, they decorate the soup too. :) Who says art is a lost form?

  5. that guy looks too sweet to have done anything too bad. Awesome job Kelley- I am SO jealous of you ( in a good way of course)

  6. The mug shot painting is great. I especially love the eyes and the lips.

  7. Hi, Kelley - I just read through your Workshop posts and can tell you are having the time of your life! How wonderful to have so much fun and to learn and expand your skills all at one! The "Three Little Graces" is fabulous - the color the brushwork - I adore it!

  8. amazing kelley! what a great time, so inspirational. great work!

  9. To everyone who comments after me ..... this painting is soooo good in person!! It looks good here, but to see Kelley's work in person, well it just sings!

  10. Look, Linda. I already told you I love you. You do not have to do this... :D

  11. This mug shot was stellar- glad I got to see it in person at HH. And, I know you got Linda Popple a bowl of my very favorite soup to bribe her! Too funny!


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