
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday Donuts, Dunkin Donuts, 5x7 Inches, Oil


Here we are, truce over, in the Donut War with Susan Roden.  We've come back from our truce with more directed ammunition.  Dunkin Donuts vs. Starbucks - so is it about the donuts?  The coffee?  The ambiance?  East Coast vs. West Coast?  White collar vs. blue collar?  Yup.  All of it.  And we're taking it week by week, informing you all of updated ammo, plans and casualties.  This opening salvo I'm sending to California is a whole BOX of jelly donuts! OK, I had one bite and Paco had me give him a piece, too.

The most fun part of this painting?  the little 'flag' boxes on the side - Seriously!
Have a GREAT week!  I'm taking down my show from Nest, so I get to *shop* there :D.


  1. Love Sunday doughnuts! Always fun to see the bite taken out:) All that gorgeous filling is so pretty and translucent. The flags on the box are fabulous as is that shadow. Love the size of this one!

  2. Wow- this one is scrumptious Kelley!
    I really like the composition and the shadow on the right-very cool!

  3. Love the composition in this one Kelley. I always love the way you paint the doughnuts but this box deserves equal billing. So good!

  4. Your donut is great, as always. I love the strong, dark shadow contrasted w/ the box and the composition.

  5. Battle of the Brands struck - as always your jellies are supreme!
    Ha! Too funny about the box - Starbucks has the cutest little brown + green one, but was saving for a future duel. Beat me to it Kelley and that shows me to stop being a hoarder.

  6. Just have to agree with all that has been said!! Your donut paintings are always amazing!

  7. Yup, wonderful thinking on the composition and texture. Just delicious as always :)

  8. I love Starbucks but right now I am realy craving a jelly donut ...

  9. Seriously, you now paint boxes as well. Have to say the box might deserve top billing but the donut is too die for too!

  10. yum yum..and all that good stuff everyone above me said...well done my friend!

  11. Kelley, nobody does it better! What a great job, as always!

  12. Great painting, and I have to tell you what I did on Sunday. I always go to eight o'clock church and never stay afterwards. But this past Sunday, there was a presentation on how we are going to celebrate our tricentennial. That said, I stayed for the presentation and ate a jelly doughnut. Two hours later, I found I had sugar on my chin. Those doughnuts really do a number on people who only eat them once a year.


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