
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Donut War Day! And A Road Trip From Heck....

Happy Halloween!  WHEW!  I bet 'dollars to donuts' that my partner in War (Donut War that is), Susan Roden, will be shocked, SHOCKED that I managed to post today.  See... I've been on the road for a couple of days, en route to Karin Jurick's Workshop in Hilton Head, SC.
(kitties pre-missing me)
Now... if you do the *math* you'll see that I set out for my trip on the DAY of that horrible snowstorm.  In October - who'd have thought?  It was clear when I left, and I thought that having my husband drive out to Providence to meet me with a new cord for my iPod was the 'glitch' of the day...  but then I missed a turn for the 'quick route south and ended up snarled in New Rochelle, NY, and then the Bronx, for over an HOUR... and then...
It started snowing..

All through New Jersey the road signs were covered with snow and ice...

And we travelers played 'pac man' dodging trees falling from both sides of the road.  
I could take photos because often we were going at 5-15 mph.   Hence, the 12 hour trip to Maryland.  Today was another 12 hour day on the road.  I think I need a few days OFF before I dig in to the workshop!  But it is beautiful here - today's drive, was smooth sailing, and gorgeous landscapes.  I'll keep you posted.  Thanks for all the well wishes!


  1. Ah Kelley . . . what a trip! Did you have a box of donuts for sustenance? The sugar rush would have kept you rolling. This IS dedication to the War - what a girlfriend!

  2. Oh . . . and I have two too - right back at you!

  3. I'm glad you made it. What a storm. Have a great workshop!

  4. Kelley wow these pictures are a play by play of that nasry storm. Glad you are safe in SC. Now relax and have an awesome time at the workshop!

  5. Kelley, What doesn't kill us , makes us stronger, or something like that! Hope that is the end of the snow, unbelievable! Stay safe, and enjoy that workshop! Looking forward to hearing all about it!

  6. Wow ! Crazy trip I know. I can relate as I was also driving in that mess on my way home from Chadds Ford PA on Saturday. Have a wonderful workshop.

  7. Egads! I love the snow but driving for that many hours in it? I think not! Hope you slept well last night and that you have a fabulous workshop!

  8. Welcome to the Lowcountry and glad you made it safely here through all the ice and snow. Look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, and Sandra Baggette has invited us to an early Lowcountry supper before you return to HHI. Great painting!!!

  9. First off- amazing painting- just love your donuts and yes two are better than one!
    Kelley! What a road trip! I am so glad you made it safely to HH. Whew- that was rough. Take a deep breath- enjoy the southern sunshine and Paint On with Karin:)

  10. Wow! What a relief to be there! Have a great time.

  11. Wow, sounds like a rough first day...but now you are in a beautiful place. Glad you made it.

  12. whoa-you are organized. Traveling, posting. Can't wait to see your paintings from the workshop with Karin.

  13. Kelley!! What craziness! Pretty scary stuff. I would have been crying the whole way. Hope you love the workshop as much as I did. Your drive from hell will be long forgotten.
    Oh, and impressive that you posted a new doughnut painting. I remember Karin bringing in doughnuts last year. That might make you even more happy. Yes, just a wee bit jealous.

  14. ...and I thought our weather was bad! Glad you made it OK. Enjoy your workshop!

  15. Sorry to hear about your road trip woes. Yikes!

    But your donuts look really good!


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