
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Purple Jar With Pussy Willow, 5x7 Inches, Oil

I love this little purple glass bottle I got in Brimfield with my friend Jane.  She put up with the endless fascination I have with glass and cups and saucers!  Pussy Willows are always in vases in my house, year round.  To me, they stand for remembrance.  People I've loved but will never really lose.  My dad passed away when the Pussy Willows bloomed, so they're special to me.

Live in Massachusetts?  Have a Blog and wonder why you're not getting what you want out of it?  Come on down to North River Art Society in Marshfield on Thursday at 7 where I'm giving a workshop that will get you back on track!  Click HERE to register!


  1. Beautiful purple glass bottle with wonderful darks and bits of light in it. Love the pussy willow and how they look so soft as they should.
    Lucky folks that can get to the NRAS for the blog workshop. Will be fabulous for sure!!

  2. This one jumped right out at me. Love that purple jar! Beautiful brush strokes and reflections!

    I understand what you say about pussy willows making you think of your dad. Every time I see a robin, I think of my dad. At the time of his death, the robins were migrating and there were hundreds of robins on the lawn.

  3. Good luck with your workshop, Kelley. Would love to come but I have orchestra rehearsal that night.

  4. lovely post and amazing painting kelley!

  5. Wonderful painting, love that purple.

  6. precious and sweet- just like you! You can paint anything girl!

  7. Wish I could be in your workshop. I love this painting, the sentiment behind it, and the purple bottle.

  8. Beautiful colors and I can feel the texture of the pussy willow. Well done, my friend.

  9. Beautiful sensitive painting of a pussy how you brought out their shape with just the right value.

  10. beautiful painting!! I love these pussy willow stalks & the purply-blue glass!!


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