
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Camera Escapades!

This little 5x7 inch painting will be part of the drastic $35 clearance.  Sorry about not posting new paintings - but we have a camera thing going on here.  I ordered a Nikon P7000.  Then I went in and thought the P500 was better (it was more expensive) so I changed my order.  It came in today and I dropped everything to go get it.  When I got there I realized the P500 had a 7x zoom, but the first one I wanted had a 36x zoom - auuuugh!  So I said I wanted that first one.  Only they didn't have it and they wanted to send it to me, so I opted to get the similar Cannon version, which they wrote up and THEN discovered they didn't have THAT in stock (are you following this or have you fallen asleep?).  Maybe Friday the P7000 will show up at my house!   So.  Short and long, I abandoned all my work for my Studio Salem, spent the afternoon at Hunts .... with no camera, so no new photo of  work...  Maybe tomorrow!  


  1. Sweet little painting. Like that calligraphic shadow. You had me smiling with my morning coffee over your camera capades:) Worth waiting to get the right one and that zoom will be amazing. Yay for you on all counts these days!

  2. Kelley..I know you will have a wonderful OPEN STUDIO
    Sorry to miss this one..will be in Wellfleet.

  3. Good luck with your open studio. Oh, how I wish I could be there:) Hope your camera chaos is over soon:) Have a great weekend!!

  4. I think I do remember this painting, Kelley! Nice one! Remember, with small paintings you do not need a camera, just scan them in! But of course, you will win the camera battle in the end!

  5. Oh a new camera, how very exciting!! Do let us know how it works out (big zoomzoom: FUN!)

  6. the fours 'C's"
    Cameras, computers, cars and cell phones :D
    Your Open Studios is always a great success. Can you say sellout?

  7. I tried to follow that, but I go so confuuuused! Anyway, hope you love your new camera.

    This is a wonderful little painting. The composition is very interesting! I love the red underpainting peeking through!

  8. Beautiful painting!! What a great price - looks like you've had a successful sale! Congrats! :)

  9. I followed that... what a mess! I hope that your studio event is a great success (certainly!) I only wish that I could have been there with a bottle of Champagne to share with you!


  10. Kelley, I just sat and had so much fun catching up on your blog. I think your amazing! I wish so much that you were going to be in atlanta so I could visit with you and ask 100 questions and watch you paint! I love your stuff and so enjoy reading about your adventures! ps. the blue chair very cool! and your man is fine to do that for you! Don't you love it when they do that? You are blessed! love love love! R


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