
Sunday, July 10, 2011

YUM! Chocolate Frosted Donut, 6x6 Inches, Oil

Ooooey Goooey frosting, and I sent this guy back to get EXTRA frosting.  My theory is this:  If someone actually decides that they will purchase a frosted donut, DON'T skimp on the frosting.

Anyway I am happy to announce that I have been asked to join the group - and I am thrilled, thrilled, thrilled!  I have long had it as one of my artistic goals to be part of this group.  By Monday night I hope to have the widget link on the side of my blog that will take you right there!

Also, Susan Roden and I have been talking about re-igniting the Donut War!  She and I are passionate about these comely balls of fried dough, and will soon be slinging the jelly and frosting from coast to coast - me, being the East, and she being a CA resident!

I don't know what the weather has been like for you guys, wherever you are, but here in RI we have nothing to complain about.  It was a perfect weekend.  And I got a new PINK hydrangea plant.  I Luuuurve it!


  1. Made my mouth water in a nano-second!! How can you make that icing appear so real? I think that you are way too intimate with these donuts! hah!

    Enjoy a creative week ahead, mon amie!


  2. The Donut Queen is at it again! Oh my goodness, that incredible chocolate is putting me into a sugar coma. De-lish!!!

    BIG congratulations on your DP membership! You have belonged there for a long long time imo.

  3. I know of no donut shop that is open at midnight! This may present a problem since looking at this delicious confection, I now need one desperately!

  4. What a lovely candidate for War! As always your donuts are anything but skimpy with the frosting Kelley. And so rich, lusterous and goeey! Get the gloves on girlfriend for the match is on!

  5. Might just be the best doughnut ever!! That frosting is amazing with all the colors in the chocolate. Wow!! Love the yeasty part too. Yum indeed.
    I am so proud and happy for you to be a new member of Daily Painters. They are lucky to have you:)

  6. Wow, that frosting is luscious.....yum.

  7. Yummy! Chocolate frosted is my favorite kind and yours looks lucious. Congrats, Kelley. You've worked hard and it's paid off. Long overdue!

  8. Congrats Kelley! This is THE best donut painting eva

  9. Starring at my breakfast bowl of shredded wheat and THEN I log on and see your CHOCOLATE donut. Just not fair Kelley. Great painting!!
    And congratulations on being a new member of Daily Painters!!

  10. My absolute favorite, after the jelly of course! Looks great!

  11. Congrats Kelly. I am so happy for you. Yummy painting.

  12. Yummy, indeed!! Never thought about sending it back for more frosting--do the donut shops cringe when they see you coming:) I hope you and Susan do strike up another donut war, so fun!!

    And a BIG CONGRATULATIONS on getting into fabulous! And Leslie would be so proud of you checking off a goal:)

    Hope your weather continues to be gorgeous. We are finally getting the rain we've needed all Summer. And hydrangeas-my favorite!

  13. They're back-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k! Yummy!

  14. Nobody puts the shine on a donut, like you Kelley! Super

  15. Oh Lady you made me go and buy no one but four. The hell with WW. I will start my diet tomorrow.

  16. saw your post this morning before I left for the beach. On the way home, I pulled into DD, still thinking of that painting and bought my chocolate iced donut (with a large iced latte of course because chocolate and coffee are meant to be together). Such is the power behind your paintbrush.

  17. um...yum and then some!! and congratulations and welcome to DP!!! so looking forward to seeing you there!

  18. YUM is right! You are the uncontested queen of the donut-but I do hope you and Susan start the Donut War again.
    I am so happy for you now that you are a part of Daily Painters. You will be a great addition to the group.

  19. So glad the donut war is back...this is my favorite so far, I'm glad it found a good home!!

  20. I agree you really are the donut queen! Scrumptious looking!

  21. Sooo happy for your good news! You have worked hard, yeah!!!!That donut is gooeyorgeous!!

  22. Congrats Kelley! And that donut is seriously decadent. Gorgeous icing. Can you lick a computer screen? ; )


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