
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tiny Island Cottage, 6x8 Inches, Oil

When I went back to Christmas Cove later last week, I concentrated on this small cottage on a tiny island.  It was connected to the land by a bridge.  No car gets to this island.  Everything has to be carried over the rather long bridge (see below).  

  A million paintings were sitting right in front of me!
But I'm glad I'm home, finally able to celebrate my anniversary with my husband, and have my pets snuggling with me.  


  1. Loved all your pictures from your Maine trip. Thinking the lighthouse is my favorite.
    Enjoy your anniversary and pets. I am coming your way July 20. Let me know if you will be around. The walk is 22-24.

  2. It's been fun getting updates from your painting trip.
    This one from Christmas Cove is awesome. It has a quiet grandeur that says volumes.
    Happy Anniversary-the best thing about travel is getting home again.

  3. Beautiful painting! Love all the Maine landscapes. What an awesome trip. It agreed with you and have enjoyed the Maine series:)
    Happy Anniversary and happy snuggles with pets:)

  4. I remember this little cottage. You captured it beautifully...The owners would be so thrilled to see it....mail them a photo...the postmaster there knows every house....Did you notice the cement floored saltwater pool on the right as you drove down to Christmas Cove?
    IT was bizarre, odd and charming all at once. Did you see the ice house?

  5. Happy Anniversary! I love the reflections here, in our 100+ temps, this invites me to jump in!

  6. The composition on this one is just wonderful. Well done ole' girl, well done. I'm sure your furry kids were happy to see you. Happy Anniversary to you and Tim.

  7. Beautiful place, and beautiful painting! Welcome home, happy anniversary, and happy snuggling!

  8. Susan I MISSED the pool! And drove BY the Ice House. Next year I'll get there. I did spend 2 1/2 days getting my car straightened out... :)

  9. Love this painting and especially love the reflections in the water. Well done!! Happy Anniversary and love those pets.


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