
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Plein Air Provincetown, 8x8 Inches, Oil Painting

$100 & $10 S&H

Wednesday I partook (that's a word, huh?) of our annual Jeep Trip to Provincetown, MA.  Three other artists and I, for years now, have piled into Paula Villanova's Jeep and headed down Rte 6A, then to Rte 6, landing in Heaven On Earth.  If you've never been there, this little town is the very tip of Cape Cod, surrounded on 3 sides by water.  It's kind of low, and the light is incredible.  It's a very colorful town, a mix of verve and sass and chic and history.  There are lots of really good galleries.  A place to see some important work.  The tourists are very interested in art, and have lots of comments ("NEEDS MORE RED!" shouted by a man riding a bike down the street).
Anyway, we stopped to see the exhibit at the Chatham Creative Arts Center of Charles Sovek's work.  Going right now to watch the DVD I got there which featured him....
Last Safari of the Summer was today - and that painting will be posted Tuesday.  We were at Linden Place in Bristol, RI - a drop-dead gorgeous place which had so many subjects - well, there will be more paintings inspired by that place coming!


  1. Love all the verve and sass and chic in this post! What fun! Sounds like a fabulous outing.

  2. You are "partaking" of lots plein air work this summer and your ability to capture wonderful compositions is great. This one in Ptown is gorgeous with wonderful shadows. Love the colors! Sounds like a great trek each year and a fun day!

  3. What a great day. You do such cool trips. I always love looking at Endymion @ Linden Place. Hope the friendly orange cat will be there watching you all paint. She is a bit of a Muse.

  4. Orange kitty sure did show up! Tuesday's post! :D

  5. Kelley, great post! Love your painting, and the link to Charles Sovek. All so inspiring!

  6. Oh WOW!!!! That sounds like so much fun...
    A great group of gals on a road trip complete with painting!!! What could be better???

  7. One well travelled painter, you are. If you need someone to carry your paints, just let me know. Love the color in this work.

  8. I envy you this trip- sounds excellent! This scene really creates the 'off on vacation feel' Have Fun:)


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