
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

First Kenny, 6x8 Inches, Oil

My friend Page Railsback has a beautiful, charming cat named Kenny.  He made such an impression on our Girls Just Wanna Paint Challenge Group last week we decided to make 'Kenny' our topic for the upcoming month.  I've decided to paint him in various poses, and maybe in different styles... and see what one 'makes' the cut.

I also want to thank Pam Copeman for featuring me on her blog - she's fabulous!

In our area, it's been so darn hot and humid.  But this week our Painting Safari will be in Jamestown, RI.  If you can make it and want to know where we're meeting (at 9 a.m.) just call me at 339-222-1998 and I'll tell you where we're going to be.  Most of us are meeting to carpool at the Prudence Island Ferry in Bristol at 8:15.  We'd love you to join us!

Oh, and here's the pics and info for that wonderful viewfinder with grid lines:

Along with directions on enlarging your small paintings into big ones and a value scale:

Their contact info:


  1. Lovely kitty..but what are you doing up so early?????

  2. The two pastel colors in the background, help to create the peaceful look of this painting!

    And what a clever view finder with grid! Much better than my home-made little window cards!

  3. Kenny is a cutie! And I loved looking at your friend's website!

  4. Well much in today's posting. Well done on kitty. Wish I was at least on the right coast to go painting with you guys. And thanks for the tip on the viewfinder...never seen that one before. Lastly, a huge Congrats on the invite. Wonderful, you will surely be a great addition to that group.

  5. Love Kenny the kitty- what a life he has right? Wonderful pose and love the way you painted his fur. I commented on this one on Fb but wanted to say thanks for the info on the viewfinder. Looks very worthwhile- I will order one!


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