
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Did You Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind?, 6x6 Inches, Oil Painting of Donuts

Back to the Donut Wars with Susan Roden!  She'll never suspect a trio of Chocolate, Vanilla and Chocolate Drizzle donuts~!!  Seriously... I went to FOUR Dunkin Donuts to get donuts with a decent amount of frosting (fortunately I live in Rhode Island, where there is one on every other corner practically!)!!!!

I don't know about you, but I'm cowering in air conditioning these days.  This 'heat dome' (explained by the weatherman that it is like an upside-down cake pan over most of the country) is headed our way and it's hot already!  I'm sitting in a sweater in front of the biggest air conditioner I could find. My husband is trying to coax me into the humid and despicable weather by wagging a fresh, over-limed, chilled gin and tonic.  Now I ask you... is that fair?

If anyone is intrepid and wants to attend our Painting Safari today (Thursday) we'll again be at Beavertail Park in Jamestown, RI.  If I can take it, so can you... :D  9 a.m.!


  1. The Donut Wars are fun! Glad you two are at it again. You have a terrific start! They look yummy!!

    This heat is a killer ..... we've had weeks of 100 degrees and up (to 107 one day!). It's definitely no fun.

    Have fun at the Painting Safari! Wish I could join you! If you spot any criminals send me a picture! :-)

  2. Nice trio of chocolate! Hot here too! Even too hot at the beach!

  3. These look luscious!!! Sorry to hear about your frosting And regarding the heat - here we may set a record as the hottest day EVER in Ontario (for Thursday). : O

  4. Triple Treat with this one. Yum all the way around. How do you get that frosting so thick, gooey and gorgeous? That drizzle one is amazing:) Hang in there with the heat. I am heading to plein air paint early this morning- will be 97 here later today. Oh, and Tim's sweet!!

  5. Wow Kelley! These are starting to take on a life of their own! Just Perfect! Dunkin Donuts ought to hire you!(To paint their donuts, not to serve them)

  6. Love this one and love my morning chuckle with your comments..your husband is a smart his style and now I will be singing "Did you ever have to make up your mind" all morning...and keep challenging my brain to remember who sang it...? who did? foggy and cool on MV today

  7. Now I know "Did you ever have to make up your mind?" is a song but by which song artists I don't recall. However, painting donuts to fit song titles is a good challenge for you. I bet you could come up with a dozen or two......:) Have fun plein air!

  8. Sorry Susan, now this is my Fave.
    You are killing me with this war.
    Triple the trouble.

    WW will be happy to see me again.

  9. Man oh man, triple threat! Seems every time I turn my back, you're slinging not one, but 3 luscious, gooey donuts at me. Good one Kelley - I'm going in my corner and starting to stack my ammunition for the counterattack on Monday.

    Be there or be square - your sticky opponent.

  10. The chocolate frosting is amazing, your nailed it. Really like that there are three, I'm planning to eat a eewy gooey doughnut in my future.

  11. Way to sling some more frosting Susan's way. Glad the donuts are surviving the heat. Stay cool and don't fall for the old "I've got a cool drink for you sweetheart line". Nothing good will come out of it.

  12. Absolutely amazing. Did you get the picture I sent from Krispy Kreme in Raleigh?

  13. I love the colors, the chocolate and white, so dramatic, with the grey background!


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