
Friday, July 1, 2011

Christmas Cove, 8x8 Inches, Oil

Christmas Cove, 8x8 Inches
I am a little technologically challenged here at our retreat in Maine!  I have to drive into the Post Office parking lot to make a call from my cell phone, and make a 1/2 hour trip to the closest wi-fi.   I just loved this little painting I got done the other morning.  The light was perfect and it just seemed to flow.  I don't sell the paintings I do on these trips, they are way better than postcards.
It's like a girls' camp here.  We paint, we read, we tell stories, and eat very well!  We are all lavishing attention on 'Maurice', as we call him (better than 'Hitler, regardless of the mustache!), who literally 'laps it all up'.

Everywhere I look is a painting.
Oh, yeah, and I was almost eaten by a lobster - they're BIG up here!
**forgive me for not responding to comments or emails - I have no internet connection and have to drive a long way to get one....I'll be home soon!**


  1. LOL, love the lobster attack photo! I have a similar one of my husband with a giant plastic shrimp that's outside a seafood shop here in Munich.

  2. Wonderful! Love this one- the tree as a focal point is dynamic. Those rocks which are so hard to paint are gorgeous. They have wonderful value and temperature shifts. Finally, love the water- blue horizon:)
    Be careful up there- big lobsters? Ha!

  3. Wow,love this. We stayed right above the draw bridge once on the way to Christmas Cove. I felt as though I was living among the Ickthians from the book by H. P. Lovecraft. Isn't their swimming pool wild there?
    Yes, and when we stayed there for a week, there was only fog!
    Keep on painting!

  4. This is so beautiful with the soft edges and the reflections in the water. The greens are heavenly. Hope you are staying cool.

  5. Thanks for sharing updates on your retreat! I can relate to Maine's seclusion I was born much further north and now return as a pass through on our way to Miramichi NB each year. We stop half way in Macchias on the river bank for the night. No cell from Machhias to St John!!!Love the little paintings!!!Sure looks familiar!!!

  6. Kelley this painting is fantastic, love the subject and the blue in the water is mag-ni-fi-co! Looks like your having a fun time, but watch those lobster they can sneak up on you.

  7. Love the painting. The rocks are spectacular! It sounds like you are having great fun - it's really not a bad thing being unconnected for a while! Oh, and no wonder you're eating well - those lobsters are huge!

  8. Sounds like you're having a fabulous time!!! Your painting is terrific:) I'm sure it will make for a great souvenir of your time there. Safe travels home:)

  9. Love this Kelley! You inspire me to go out and just do it! [paint plein air that is ] ;o)

  10. Beautiful light in the painting, Kelley. Glad you're having a good time and looking forward to seeing some new work when you get back. Happy 4th.

  11. Love that painting Kel. Is that a gesso board? Love the fluidity of it!

  12. Christmas Cove is beautiful! Love the pictures of Maurice

  13. Looks like you're in a sci-fi movie..the attack of the killer lobster!

  14. Beautiful painting! So peaceful! Sounds like a very fun trip! Enjoy!
    Also love seeing that adorable kitty, so sweet, with those whiskers. By the way, watch out for the lobsters!

  15. Love your painting. I didn't realize you were in my neck of the woods! Too bad, we could have connected...

  16. Love your Tuxedo mine. I'd call your boy "Poirot" with that darling little mustache.


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