
Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Best Defense Is A Good Offense, 8x8 Inches, Oil


OK, I need to explain the title:  As of TODAY, the DONUT WAR is officially re-opened.  California artist Susan Roden and I will be flinging frosting, glaze and jelly across this great land of ours once again.  She is a wonderful artist and friend who takes as much delight as I do in painting pastries and confections.  We are both new members of the, and we thought we'd celebrate by re-instigating our *war*.  I believe in the saying "The best defense is a good offense!!"  This is a commission for a fellow Dunkie lover, but there are more in my ammo pack, not to worry ;)
Hey, I was lovin' that pink frosting and glaze... so fun to paint!
Strawberry Frosted
Glazed (or Honey-Dipped)
Medium Regular Hot Coffee
YUM!  Couldn't wait to bite into that JELLY~


  1. a winning opening salvo! amazing confection, scrumptious and lush! among my favorite!

  2. Donut wars eh? I'm definitely Camp Kelly then. I'm donning my Kelley's Jellies T-shirt and cheering you on. (Love the glaze on that bottom donut by the way)

  3. Man, oh man! You not only come back with oozing jelly and slick frosting, but slam me with a triple decker - BAM! I have to start thinking bigger here.

    And oh. . . oh. I see you have camps going on here Kelley - what's a girl to do? Where's my army men?

  4. Yum! they look deelicious, I could just pick one up now and induge. Wonderful painting, let the battle commence!

  5. This cracked me up! Love the bigger size and the in your face perspective. I am glad to see the fun doughnut wars resumed and you have definitely come out swinging. Wonderfully done:)

  6. you rock! I love these. I want one!

  7. Yum, when I'm eating again I want one of these. The wars are on,,,yes, triple decker it is and they look luscious.Still sticking with coastal roasters.

  8. Yummy one, Kelley. Look at all that free advertising they get from should be able to capitalize on that somehow. Maybe free donuts?????

  9. Big bang with your first salvo, Kelley. I'm in a pickle between you and Susan. Chicken that I am, I'm staying on the sidelines and not jumping into the firing (frosting) line. Good luck!

  10. I can't wait to see the results, I may have to throw one in myself. This is a real gem!

  11. oh shoot...cant take sides both are dear to go for it girl...i am cheering you both on, love when you guys duke it out with the yummies!

  12. Wonderful, Kelley! All the sugar is a force to be reckoned with! So impressive!

  13. What fun, Kelley! But it is SO realistic, I do not know how you do it!! Excellent painting!I shall watch this war game with interest!

  14. Gee, this is going to be hard on those of us who love you both, but I have to admit that you've one-upped the competition with this one...

  15. yum - I love donuts! I will look forward to the next sweet showing.......

  16. Wow! Super yummy and fun, love it!

  17. This is one fantastic, yummy painting. I am going to send you some pictures that I took for you the last time I was in Raleigh, NC.

  18. So realistic and delectable! I may have to make a run to the donut store in the morning. Great job!

  19. YEA! Love those sweet wars, although they always trigger a mean sweet tooth craving. Great job on that jelly and love the way you tied in the pink frosting with the pink in the cup.


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