
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hazy, Hot and Humid, 6x8 Inches, Oil Painting

This was a demo from my Painting Safari on Friday.  It was the OPPOSITE of hazy, hot and humid, and for that I was grateful, but no one was feeling intrepid, so we had the session at my studio and worked from photos.  I asked people to try to select from my photos an image that had close values, as much like the day we were experiencing.  This image from a past Summer did the trick.  I really, really like the way it came out, and truthfully, I've painted those 'lozenge' suns many times before and this time I got it.
I'm sorry for those of your who like hot weather, but I'm as happy as the clams here in Maine on my painting trip!  To connect to the internet I have to drive for 1/2 hour - for a public wi-fi, so there probably won't be many posts this week, and I apologize.
Please send Paco your good thoughts as he is on 'vacation' with my son, Conor in Boston.  As you can see above, he adores Conor.  But he still worries about whether his Mom will come home....


  1. Awesome, Kelley! You've got that hazy look just right. And Paco, don't worry -- Moms always come home again.

  2. I love it! Yes you really got it... and what a sweet picture of Paco and your son.

  3. Gorgeous painting! Really love the glistening reflection in the water. As I said before...lucky students.
    Sounds wonderful in Maine...have fun and get lots of inspiration:)
    Oh Paco...just an extra treat or so and he will be fine!

  4. You've captured such beautiful atmosphere here! The balance of the composition is so pleasing. And I love that pink reflection in the water.

  5. Why Kelley, this beautiful. One day I need to get one of your Sakonnet paintings...have to make and frame 3 more fish paintings for Jessica Hagen gallery from Newport as she is renting space next to gallery IV for a show starting July 2nd and I just remember I have to make and frame 3 more works as have sold and sent to galleries 3 of them...I literally just remembered now...there is a reason i am stuck on bed rest...I must paint! and paint all of Anthea's place cards for the wedding Saturday.
    Enjoy Maine.. are you having foggy mornings?

  6. Aw, Paco and Conor. Too sweet!
    Love your painting. The colors are wonderful and the way you captured the sun. Very nice!

  7. wonderful painting Kelley-and Paco looks very well taken care of

  8. Kelly, this painting is amazing. It looks and feels exactly as you have named it. Paco looks most happy in Conor's arms. Atticus doesn't breath well in this hot weather so his morning walk is shortened to "around the block".

  9. Wowza Kelley - You certainly did "get it"! This is really cool. Love the feel of this. I'm not usually all over close values and muted colors, but this one is awesome. The sun just makes it. You're probably better off being 1/2 hour from wi-fi. You'll get a lot more done! lol Have fun.

  10. Kelley, I just love this painting. The way you did the sun is brilliant. Great contrast of brightness, with the grey of the rest of the painting! Have a great time on your expedition!

  11. Nicely done, Kelley! I love the sun in this one, and the glow on the water ... just right. Sounds like you're having fun; have a great week, and a safe return!

  12. you really did get this one right...I love it!!!

  13. Beautiful mood and light. Very unusual and very effective. Well done!

  14. Close values and a hazy atmosphere are difficult to accomplish. This does is very beautifully. Paco looks pretty content too!

  15. Aw, Paco, don't worry, your mommy will come back! I hear she's having a good time, but missing you, of course.


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