
Friday, April 29, 2011

Cup Of Irish Breakfast Tea, 6x6 Inches, Oil

I guess painting the Fiesta cup reminded me how much I love tea and teacups! This is a Wedgewood "Nantucket Basket" patten for the cup and saucer.  What did I love most?  Confession time:  while the teacup is a wonderful challenge, with the warp and weave indications, I love painting the TEA!   The reflections, the deep colors, and let's be honest, teabags are so cool to paint!
And I got this cloth when I was like a 'painter gone wild' at the fabric store last month.  A foot tall stack of fabric swatches and about a dozen different colors of buttons.  The checkout lady screwed up her face and said "What ARE you making?" 


  1. The cup looks fantastic! Great work!...Daniel

  2. Nice lighting and interesting technique. Great work!

  3. Wonderful painting. Makes me want a cup of tea and miss my very Irish Grandmother. Stellar tea bag- wow! Gorgeous cup-love all the pattern and light you captured. Wonderful colors- love the fabric!! Spot on Kelley:)

  4. LOVE this! Beautiful colors and patterns. Great job on the tea, too. :-)

  5. Color harmony is so nice in this. Your depiction of the tea is wonderful!

  6. Perfect! Love this and your Fiesta cup painting!

  7. Reminds me that I could do with a cuppa right now, but with milk please! Lovely painting and composition.

  8. Beautiful painting Kelley!! Your tea is mesmerizing, I haven't tried painting tea yet, hmmmm I may have to try that:) I too have had the same experience at the fabric store, I even show them my business card to explain how I'm going to use the fabric as a backdrop and they still give me that baffled look:) Oh, well I get the same thing when I go to the flea market with a girlfriend of mine, I'm always on the hunt for props for my still life set ups and she's always saying "I guess you paint on that, do you think the paint will stick". Experiences like that always make me feel like a "crazy artist"!

  9. The whole design is lovely! A wonderful way to start this "Royal Wedding" morning!

  10. Love the fabric, the cup and saucer, and the painting.

  11. Love this! The colors are dreamy! And I think the tea is my favorite! So yummy! Love love love it!!!

  12. The amazing thing about this painting is - the tea looks HOT! Wonderful, Kelley!

  13. Kelley must say that I had a spot o tea on this morning PG Tips...english tea that will knock your socks off and leave a stain that will take several boxes of crest white strips to get rid of! Love the movement in this painting. The pattern in the fabric and the light pattern in the cup. Very skillfully painted!

  14. Couldn't wait to see what was your favorite part to paint. You have done a masterful job!


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