
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Beyond Thrilled

I am thrilled (well, actually, read the title of the post - BEYOND thrilled) to have had 3 paintings chosen for the 6 Inch Squared Show in Costa Mesa, CA.  Would that I could get out there for the Opening!  If any of you do go... check out the 3 that got in, below, and let me know if it was a wild and wonderful time!  The artists I will be hung alongside are heros of mine in the art world, so I have to keep reminding myself to breathe!
The opening is Saturday, April 16th 5-9 at Randy Higbee Gallery in Costa Mesa.

Now... I'm off to paint!  See you tomorrow!


  1. Congratulations !!
    I just discovered your blog via a comment on Genie's blog about Paris.
    How 'bout having a look at Belgium?
    greetings from Brussels and best wishes for your exhibition

  2. Good for you, Kelley! I'm beyond thrilled for you! You deserve this.

  3. fantastic Kelley!
    You are my hero!

  4. Wow Kelley. Those paintings are each really fav being the sheep.Congratulations. I think you should jet out there on Sat.

  5. Awesome! Love these three and know they will be good sellers. Wouldn't that be a fun trip? Would love to see that show. Road trip next year?

  6. All three are wonderful, I especially love the handling of the paint for the 3 sheep. Great work Sandra Baggette

  7. Cool! Congrats!Awesome! I am so happy for you.

  8. Congratulations! Really fantastic!!

  9. How exciting! Congratulations, that is a great achievement, Kelley.
    The paintings are wonderful-I love the beach painting the most but that's just because I have beach on the brain right now.

  10. Many congratulations, Kelley - these are three beautiful pieces. I especially LOVE the sheep!

  11. Congratulations, Kelley!
    Your work is wonderful...and it will look great in the show!

  12. Congratulations Kelly, well deserved!

  13. Congratulations!!!! Wouldn't it be awesome if we were all able to go:) I have a couple of pieces in the show also, and I'm beyond thrilled as well.

  14. Congratulations Kelley! This is good news,it's great to reach for that out of state opportunity. It's exciting how the blogs can connect us all.I'm so happy for you!

  15. Go Kelley Go! So glad the sheep butts made it in. ;-)

  16. So fun to see a wonderful artist soar with much deserved success. All three of these are fabulous in different ways. Boy in motion is just poetry and energy. Candies are simple and spectacular...the sheep from behind are the best ever. All around fun composition, great brushwork and beautifully painted. You go Kelley- Yes! Road trip next year:)

  17. Terrific Kelley and well deserved. These are excellent.

  18. So thrilled for you. Love all three paintings. You are so deserving of this accomplishment. I am going to the Karin Jurick opening in Hilton Head next week.

  19. Wow. Double wow! Big congratulations to you!! Much deserved. Love the recent butt painting too!! :)

  20. Kelley Girl...congrats..of course, you got them in...I will give you a play by play from the opening Saturday night...even be sheepish (not from the rear side) hear the comments of the many admirers you will have.

  21. Kelley ! Yea! I am soooo excited for you! What a huge honor and you are so deserving! I too love all of your pieces, but the sheep are very cool! love love love it!!!

  22. Congrats, Kelley! How exciting! These are great choices! I love all of them!

  23. Cute butts in these sheep! Congrats for getting into the show.


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