
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Frenchies, 6x6 Inches, Oil

French Bulldogs, or 'Frenchies', are just so darned adorable.  Similar to pugs in that they have a smaller snout, they have bat-like stand-up ears, no tail, and sturdy little legs.  They are very sweet, as a breed.  They come in lots of colors - fawn, brindle, white with black or brindle markings, etc.
Anyway, these two were from the Dog Show I go to in December...

I want to thank everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes!  I am a birthday celebrater - getting older is an option I want!  I took in a matinee, had my favorite dinner,  and enjoyed the evening with my older son, Paco and the cats, (husband is traveling).  Pretty great!


  1. I have to admit French bulldogs are pretty cute and this painting is just lovely.

  2. They are so daughter has one, almost 5 months old. They have a golden already and now have this little pup. The 2 dogs are best friends.

  3. ALMOST as cute as corgis!
    I love the little guys- you got their shapes perfectly- great job on the little black one.

  4. Precious dogs, almost as cute as pugs. My neighbor has two. Painting is wonderful.

  5. Love the composition with one looking and one's head down. And tough colors to get values right and you nailed it. Wonderful colors in the whiter dog- love the way you caught the shades in the black. So good, oui'!

  6. Adorable! Love those little dogs that you painted so well! Sounds like the perfect birthday!

  7. Adorable one, Kelley. Remember you are not getting older, you are getting better.

  8. Cute little Frenchies. Great composition.

  9. So precious, Kelley. Love the black especially.


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