
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Chocolate Frosted with Sprinkles, 6x6 Inches, Oil

I knew I had a commission for a chocolate frosted, sprinkled donut, and while in New York at Penn Station last weekend, I spied the most delectable specimen I've ever seen.  Bought it right there.  I also go a Krispy Kreme mug, with a ceramic donut inside - to be painted later.  The was such a joy to paint. I'm not just saying that - I've really come to appreciate the nuances of fried dough, gleaming chocolate frosting, and the shadow side of a donut.  
I know they're not health foods, but they're simple, and they are just what they are.  And kids smile when they get one in their hands - that's got to be good!
I hope you all are having a happy week so far!

Below is a better color shot of my Pink-a-licious painting:


  1. Yummy--I'm on my way to have the 2nd eye done and can't eat. I love the colors you used for the sprinkles. Do you use a tiny brush?

  2. Your sprinkle donut is great...!

  3. beautiful sprinkled donut- you really got me hungry!

  4. I want to go to the party on top of this doughnut! Love it!

  5. Oh so Yummy lookin'! I think you should have a mini-series of pinkaliscious paintings.

  6. I want to party with Carol, too...wonderful painting!

  7. That donut! I smelled vanilla when I opened the image! Pinkolicious looks like fun to paint!

  8. You certainly are the doughnut master...this is my favorite

  9. You really caught the light on this donut. Really!

  10. Yes! This doughnut looks like a party waiting to happen which is kinda like its painter! Just fun energy and you nailed it! Or sprinkled it!
    That little crease in the dough on the side- sweet;)

  11. Love it! Sprinkles of magic! Also love, in today's "you also might like" section the day 2 of Austin workshop - just over one year ago I sat next to you as you painted that beauty. Really a gorgeous painting. Take care. Miss you.

  12. Ha! I have that same mug...I don't really like drinking out of it though because it looks like something is at the bottom of my drink...even though it is a ceramic donut!

  13. perfectly painted sprinkles and just the right amount!

  14. Kelley,, The pink bubbles look even more striking in this photo! I can see where that theme could lead into all sorts of interesting directions! Once again, you are the master of donuts! This one is just gorgeous!

  15. Kelly, what size brush did you use to paint the sprinkles?


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