
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Butt, Butt, No Butt! 6x6 Inches, Oil

It's a 'sheepy' week, I guess!  I did this demo this week in my class to gives examples of hard vs. soft edges (and we even have some 'lost' edges in the distant shrubbery.  These, once again, were those lovely sheep from the Poppasquash Farm in Bristol, RI.  It's a historic farm, and a couple of years ago Tim and I went to watch the sheep shearing, which should be coming up soon.  No fluffy sheep after that day!  ZZip, ZZZzip!  Crew cuts!
I wish each of you a wonderful weekend, full of who and what you love.  Sunday I'm attending an Opening at the Hingham Shipyard for the South Shore Art Center, then running to the Hingham Library to see Joreen Benbenek's beautiful show, then on to Lisa Daria's Opening at Bella's Restaurant in Rockland.  See them if you're in the area!


  1. This painting made me smile. What a fun teacher you must be and wonderful way to teach about edges. I just love your brushstrokes and the way you have painted your beloved "Pop sheeps". Cute title too.
    What a lucky artist friend you will be to have 3 events on Sunday ending with Lisa's.

  2. I love so much about this painting! Love the colors you chose for the sheep, the color in the foreground, the way you indicated a fence, comp, highlights on the sheep....... Wonderful!
    Have fun at the openings!

  3. Nice one Kelley. I love the abstract quality of this piece and the cute title.

  4. I agree with Kathy! Love the loose brushwork and the fun composition!

  5. Love the butts and the softness of this painting. It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. How lucky you are to see Lisa Daria's painting. Her blog is one of my favorites. I love how she manages acrylics. Have a happy day and pet Paco for me.

  6. What a fun subject and perfect name to boot! Also love the contrast of the hard edges and strong darks and lights in the foreground and the soft edges and softer colors in the background. very nice ...especially for butts!

  7. Kelley, Love the subtle colors, great brushstrokes , and overall feeling of this one! Beautiful!

  8. Beautiful butts, Kelley. (Now there's a phrase you don't get to use often!)

  9. Ha Ha Ha, Kelley love the title:) You come up with the cutest titles. I have the hardest time coming up with witty titles, such I hard time I just don't and end up with a title that is a description. Oh, well! Just love this painting, reminds me of my trip to Ireland:) Hope you have great weekend also!

  10. Great painting and I really love the title!

  11. It must be an animal fanny week...did you see my elephant butts? Your sheep butts are awesome!

  12. Cute post,Kelley! Thank you for the fun! I hope you have a very lovely birthday, enjoy every moment!

  13. I love this little piece - not only the variety of edges but the color and values. Its a gem!

  14. wonderfully dense, yet fluffy! great presentation too :)

  15. Include me as one of your admirers of this painting Kelley. Besides loving the strokes I do love sheep too!

  16. I love this Kelley! LOVE it! Too cute.....I always tell matt someday I would love sheep. Me not being an animal person (well of the messy farm variety anyway. I LIKE them just not the poo part), he always rolls his eyes. But I like these guys. I have to resubscribe on FB because they still arent coming on my feed :-( Miss seeing you there!


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