
Friday, February 25, 2011

Cozy Under The Eaves - 2nd try, 6x6 Inch, Oil

Here's my 2nd run at that interior I posted yesterday.  When I showed it to my husband, his comment was "But it's like just blobs of colors next to each other. No lines."  OK, I'm STILL trying to figure out what that meant - but I dreamed of the painting last night :) and I thought - maybe it's more the colors are competing and the values need more definition!  So for the class today I did it again (with feeling, of course!).
Here, below, they are, side by side...yesterday's left, today's right.  Your thoughts?


  1. both look fine to me.
    Possibly the latter has stronger value shifts yet the first one has that dreamy feeling of half sleep from a delicious nap.

  2. I think they are both great! I especially like the bolder colors, but that's just me.

  3. I think they both work. I still think my favorite is the first one. Hmm. Really like the light hitting the bed in the 2nd. Yep, I like them both.

  4. Yes, I think the values are stronger in the second one, but I do like them both.

  5. The one you did yesterday is more Kelley like, which to me means happier. It is quite hard to figure out husband talk, isn't it?

  6. I agree...both nice but think I like the first better..bed looks cosier..a fresher feeling

  7. What a great exercise! I like both as well but lean toward the second due to the strong value shift. But love the colors in the first. First one also has a very Van Gogh feeling. Wonderful work!

  8. I guess I sorta, kinda see what your hubs is talking about - maybe the lines in the second one are stronger. Although I would love hanging either of them in my home, I like the first one better - something about the colors - particularly the pillow.

  9. Both are great, Kelley but I agree with Debbi, the first has the Van Gogh feeling.

  10. I can't decide if I like one better than the other - they are both different and special in their own way. . . and I like them both very much for different reasons.

  11. This is such a peaceful scene and leaves me feeling serene. The colors are especially lovely.

  12. Oh, yes. I love #2 where the values are a bit closer.

  13. Interesting comments on this. The second one has a more crisp inviting feel to me. If I were picking one to sleep in, that would be it! Obviously though, no matter what you paint, you will have a fan!

  14. It took me awhile to decide, but I think I like the first one better. It seems sunnier and more cheerful. I don't know what your husband was talking about! LOL.

  15. You Van Gogh, girl:) I think they are all fabulous! They appeal to my interior design side. Love it!


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