
Monday, January 17, 2011

"Race!" Original Acrylic Painting by Kelley MacDonald

$100 & $10 S&H
This painting is being reserved pending admission to a show - temporarily unavailable

Here's another from my little Laguna boy series!  I'm so excited about how they're turning out I'm thinking of doing a large series of them.  I love how they're all 'action'.  Thank goodness I'm taking a figure class at the Art Club.  Not that it will help so MUCH with a child's proportions.
But I really agree with Ken Auster's take on figures, too.  You KNOW what people are supposed to look like!  Have some common sense when you're giving the painting your final approval - if the limb is wider near the wrist than at the shoulder - it's wrong!  Same with the ankle, etc.  If the head is too big or small - you know it!  He said to think "What if this figure was coming towards you on the street - would you run in horror?"  I love that.  To that end, I do know that my other 'little boy' I posted last week had an extremely pointy elbow.  When I was painting the sand around him it covered up that bit of his arm. I may fix it, or wait to make it right on my larger piece!


  1. This is wonderful, Kelley. I can really feel the movement of the water, as well as the boy. Great brushstrokes, and love the color of the sand. Love it!

  2. Oh, to be on that beach right now! It's a gorgeous painting. Reflects the grandeur and wildness of the sea and the excitement we feel when we are there.

  3. Really nice painting. Wish it were warmer new work is getting simpler yet taking longer to do.

  4. Great action in this, Kelley. aaah, summer....
    I am taking a figure class also starting next week. Been a long time.

  5. I love this one Kelley- it seems "spot on" proportionately and its a great composition- its all action and movement!(and nostalgaic)

  6. Love this angle. Great job on the figure. Fun!

  7. Love your figures on the beach series. He is really pumped!! Great action and composition.

  8. This is a great angle. Love the perspective.

  9. How fun Kelley, You nailed his action and form. I know the focus is the boy but I love the way you handled the waves and foam of the water. You are always trying something new, go Kelley.

  10. A series would be great Kelly. How many do you think? Thanks for the large picture, I like the way you got the boy's gesture with so few strokes.

  11. Love the angle that you painted this at! Really has set him in motion!

  12. Kelley,
    I like this one best in the motion series- everything is rock solid- great perspective, his form is superb, waves are almost translucent
    (a painting skill you nail every time) and the best is the splashes at his feet and the footprints! Happy Sigh:)

  13. Oh, this one makes me so happy; wonderful!

  14. This is so much fun to look at with all that energy! I like the perspective and the colors! Awesome!

  15. Love the wave colors and great job of capturing the action of the child and waves!

  16. Lots of motion in this one. Very nice.

  17. Kelley loving the energy of your last couple of pieces. I hope you do this on a larger scale. Beautiful!!


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