
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Om, 6x8 Original Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald

$100 & $10 S&H

6x6 Inches

This little guy was a present from my daughter to me at Christmas time.  She has a matching one, so we're 'together' in this.  It's called an "Om", and you can see more, and the story about them (and their blog) here.  It's about 3 inches tall, and sweet as can be.  The story is about how we're all connected, and alike, I guess, in some way.  I feel that way.  I don't feel that because someone lives in a different culture they're 'less' or 'more' than me.  I think there's a link.  I'm not going to get religious on you, but most religions emphasize this link (Christ talked about us all being brothers, Eastern religions seem to have a 'oneness' aspect, too).  I think in general we are connected, so we should care for each other.  When I look at this I know that my daughter was thinking of me, and that makes me happy. And I feel a sisterhood with women around the world - OooooommmmMmmmmm!


  1. OMG on the OM! I love it! I read the post, ran to the website now after I post this, I am going to get a couple of OMs for me and my daughter! I loved the painting from the thumbnail but now it has so much more meaning! hugs!

  2. A dear painting, and I love having the into on an OM.

  3. Love the painting, and the OM's sentiment - particularly the 'round the world - OM's would make good traveling companions and definitely beats ripping the legs off your standard short neck lawn flamingo to make it more travel friendly (don't ask).

  4. What a sweet painting and I love the Om story! I've bookmarked the site and will return when time allows. I see a little Om in my future! :-)

  5. I have to say that this painting made me laugh when I saw it on Daily Painter Originals this morning, and reading your post about it now makes me smile!

  6. Kelley, This wonderful and sweet and just a treasure...Go girls, big and little.

  7. Wonderful thoughts behind this little guy (is a guy, isn't it?) and so cute! Isn't that touching when kids give gifts as this? Definitely worth a painting!

  8. alright, I know this really misses the point but I really like the colors in this one.

  9. Love the story and it's so cute!

  10. Kelley, I love that little painting, and I love the idea behind it !

  11. I love this little guy. Like your comments about the meaning as well.
    Your work is just great. cool way of signing it too.

  12. this is so precious. i love it and your post. i too believe we are all one, hope we realize it soon. great painting.

  13. So sweet! I had a look at all your blog, like your paintings very much.


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