
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Pretty Jelly, 5x7 Inch Original Oil Painting By Kelley MacDonald

This little jelly donut will be under the tree of some special lady!  I had to wait till that thick sugar coating dried, and the jelly - reds seem to take a long time - to send it out.  But it will arrive in time to make someone smile!
I just want to say that in this Season of Lights I'm so lucky to have friends who are like 'lights' to me.  Beacons to guide me.  My Blogging friends and long distance friends warm my heart every time they contact me, by comments on my blog, email, phone calls and Facebook posts.  My friends that I can VISIT are so supportive, funny and encouraging, I don't know how I'd get along without them.  My Challenge Group met last week, and it really struck me how lucky I am, to have this group of women who are fun, generous, and damn good artists to walk this road with! 
And my 'friends' who subscribe to my blog - who know me even if we've never met, and come to my shows and just share my journey -  
thank you all.  You mean so much to me!


  1. What a nice post, Kelley. I feel that if we were to meet over coffee we'd settle down comfortably with plenty to talk about. It takes a good friend to have good friends, and you're doing it right, both in person and from afar. As always, love your work and enjoy sharing your successes!

  2. Not surprised this one sold right away. Yummy!

  3. Yum! I need this with my Sunday morning coffee! This one seems ooozzier with jelly goodness. You always make me smile!

  4. What a nice post and painting. One can never have enough good friends and it is such a gift to be thankful!

  5. Very sweet post Kelley! It is a lucky lady who is getting this under her tree!!

  6. Such a fab piece! The way you got the oozing jelly and the texture of the very cool.

  7. Lovely jelly-bun, Kelley! Thank you for your lovely words. I too appreciate the friends one makes on the Internet, such support! I live in a place that is pleasant for tourists, so I am always meeting blogger friends for real!

  8. Thanks for being a light for me :) Your paintings, posts and stories always make me smile.

  9. Wonderful painting! I've been on a kick painting candy and baked goods lately, and I swear I'm gaining weight doing so...need to consider gym equipment for my next piece! :)

  10. Man... noone knows their jelly donuts like the Contessa! Superb Kelley.... can't touch this in any way shape, or form.

  11. OK, Miss Jelly Kelley, you did it again, one more very impressive, jelly donut! I am always amazed!

  12. Great painting. Is it cherry or raspberry filling. I can almost taste it


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