
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Pepe's Pizza, Original 8x8 Inch Painting by Kelley MacDonald

I can't even believe I forgot to photograph this when it was finished.  This was a commission that was due about two months ago and I finally dropped it off December 23rd.  AND to top it all off I forgot to photograph the finished piece!
It was a crazy day... I was also dropping off my 24x48 inch commission of the Provincetown Pier - yup, forgot to take that photo, too.... And I had on the first new coat I've had in FIFTEEN years, and guess what - it was WHITE.  And I got blue 'sky' all over the right side and arm.  The coat wasn't even 2 weeks old!
My buddy Nancy Colella was right - crazy for an artist to buy a white coat!
Anyway, THIS painting was so fun to do - it was a loving gift from a wife to her husband, and it had his favorite 'pizza' food - Pepe's Pizza from New Haven, CT  (if you haven't gone, it's worth the ride, believe me), and Faxon Park Soda (also a New Haven treat) and clam-shaped Italian pastries - which can be purchased within walking distance of Pepe's.
My husband and I took a drive there and had a wonderful lunch - and got the soda and pastries.  
I got an email yesterday saying the recipient loved it, and there he is, on Facebook, with the Pepe's baseball cap on, holding the pizza painting, which was in a pizza box.
Made my day...
I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday!


  1. Very nice! I'm always tempted to draw the food on the table too! So many colors an textures and pleasing visuals! This is great! YOu should sell it to the pizza place, or have them hang it up for sale!

  2. Love this- really good! Katherine has a great idea. In your spare can get Pepe's to have your art in their place!
    And then a marketing plan develops including all the places you buy those doughnuts!
    I think I just got done part of your goals for 2011- Leslie and Dreama would be proud!
    You are welcome:)

  3. Kelley, I love to see your approach to so many scattered objects, somehow the colors and values pull all together brilliantly. Really nice job!

  4. What a lovely idea for a commission piece thoughtful .
    Kelley, so sorry about your new coat.....bummers. Maybe you can get it dyed......multi colored...for future mishaps?

  5. Clever painting and what a sweet gift. Hope you can get your coat clean with master's soap before going to the cleaners. You business is just a sign of your many blessings. Know you are having a fabulous Christmas!

  6. What a great commission! And great piece!

  7. Kelley, I wrote a long and I'm sure eloquent post:) and it disappeared into cyber space:( Anywho, love this painting, great piece to have commissioned, nothing better than having a reminder of things you love. I bet your client will smile every time he sees this. And bummer about your coat, I think that's why I stick with watercolors, I'm way to clumsy for oils.

  8. This is a really fun one!
    Makes me hungry, too.
    Hi to Paco.


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