
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mintini, 6x6 Inch Original Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald

$100 & $10 S&H
This painting is being reserved pending admission to a show - temporarily unavailable

I'm trying to figure out something to submit for my upcoming Challenge post on the topic of 'glass'.  I have a few other ideas I'll work on, but this is what I came up with today.  Thin glass, starlight mints inside - AND a nice little shadow.  I love thin glass, unfortunately it's fragile (duh!).  Who knows?  Maybe I'll get someone to make me a Hendrick's martini with a twist for New Year's! I guess that's really what I'm thinking...

OH! And under this painting is a wish for:


  1. Beautiful! You are so good with glass!

  2. OK! You win! That is the best "glass" painting- ever! You've got that down!
    Have an extra dry on New Years Eve and enjoy.

  3. wow!
    crisp and cold- really glassy!

  4. Love that glass Kelley it is very beautiful. How about a peppermint martini?

  5. Great job on the glass! The highlights just make it. And the mints inside are amazing! What is a Hendrick's martini? I've never heard of that one.

  6. THANKS Kristeena! And Diane, yeah, I could go for one of those:) Linda, Hendricks Gin is the Emperor of gins... the taste is incomparable.

  7. That is my kind of martini...beautiful Kelley!!

  8. Fabulous job!! Almost real but yet so painterly! Love it! Choice of subject is wonderful.

  9. Nice work painting this mintini glass, and the cello on the peppermint candies!

  10. So wonderfully and whimsically done Kelley!

  11. Love this one. The wrappers on the candy just sparkle. Nice job.

  12. Loooooooooooooove it! I also second the wish for 'abundance'.

  13. Kelley, you are the glass expert! So beautifully done! Beat wishes for a wonderful 2011!! May all your wishes come true!

  14. i've missed so much!! this is just amazing, the candy is beautifully done as is the glass...just wonderful. i'm so in love with your brushstrokes. and thank you, you are right, gentle, i need to be gentle. bravo my friend!

  15. lovely..I want some mintini and a side of abundance. Thanks for making my day!

  16. perfectly done. this is a great treat in a perfectly painted glass!

  17. Great job on that glass! Love the highlights and the way the cellophane wrappers shine.


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