
Friday, November 5, 2010

Yummy Jelly, 6x6 Inch Original Painting by Kelley MacDonald


All this one needs is my signature block.  Once again, working from life, Alla Prima with a fresh pudgy donut from Dunkin Donuts, this time it was a demo at the wonderful Furnace Brook Middle School in Marshfield, MA.  This school is lucky enough to have a Parent Organization that subsidizes the children's art education by funding an Artist In Residence Program the first Friday of every month.  Two artists are enlisted to produce work, and expose the children to different types of artistic processes.  My plan was to do my little Daily Painting, and alongside it, let the children paint one slightly larger, 8x8 inches.  They are enthusiastic, curious and polite.  
I hope I am not boring you with this, but here we are at a relatively early stage.  I set up the 'guard rails' of the drawing, so none of us would go 'off the road' too much.
Each child got to put a couple of strokes of oil paint on the panel.
And below - the finished product - I think they did a heck of a job - I better watch out for these guys!


  1. Kelley, what a great idea to have them paint along with you. Love the way you start the painting. Nice one.

  2. I agree with Jody, this must have been a very exciting experience for the kids. Nice job.

  3. That looks like such fun! And I'm sure the kids got a huge kick out of it!

  4. What a great idea....when I did it the kids just watched and asked questions. Much more fun this way.

  5. Sweet painting and very sweet story. So glad the kids have you and the other parents. What fun.

  6. Ka-bam!!! You're rolling with the sweets Contessa. Life caught up with me and so far behind, but assure you I have ammunition for tomorrow.
    Stay posted and get ready to duck.
    ps that's such a good service you do with these little budding artists

  7. It sounds like a wonderful program, Kelley!

    I wish my school had that when I was growing up!


  8. Hey Kelley! I love!!! Is this reserved for me? Let me know. It was so great to meet you yesterday! Thanks for your hard work!

    Amy O'Sullivan

  9. This is such a great entry, love the idea of each student making a brush stroke on the painting. So well done, I bet the kids loved the idea of painting a donut

  10. Thanks guys!!! Amy - YES! It is reserved for you!

  11. Great demo Kelley, this one jumps off the DPO slideshow icon! Bet the kids got a lot out of it.

  12. Kelly, Good to see this program and to see how you set up the class to teach. What a great idea. Your painting is delicious!

  13. Kelley, I love the way you taught the little guys... SO important to let them experience the arts !


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