
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

One Pair, Original 6x6 Inch Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald


The only thing about painting with a glossy black background is it is a bear to photograph.  Suffice it to say I'll get a better shot and substitute it!  
These Asian Pears were SO beautiful I bought a bag full.  Examining each one for a graceful silhouette, I'm sure I looked a bit (to say the least) odd at the market, holding each huge pear at arm's length and squinting at them, putting some aside, some in the bag right away.  Some were more golden orangey and some more yellowy-green. FULL of personality.
At the end of this painting session my dear husband said "Are you going to leave it like that?"   "Like WHAT?"  I (kind of) nicely asked.  "Well, all stroke-y..." he said.  And I must have looked at him like a grizzly, because he said "Of course you are!  They look great.  I was just asking..."
Ask away.....


  1. You gotta love those husband and the fun questions they ask about our paintings. The strokyness is great.

  2. I love the stroki--ness. Great color!

  3. I love the pears against the dark background. Very nice!

  4. Love this, Kelley!!! I love pear paintings and this one is quite bold. I know how hard it is to photograph dark paintings and shiny black backgrounds. Also familiar with the husband comments. Too funny! At least he figured it out in one glance!

  5. Love the texture - great job, Kelley. Hope you are well!

  6. Aren't husbands great that way:) I think your pears are FABULOUS!!! I really love this one.

  7. strokyness!! i love it! let's hear it for the boys. doncha just love 'em? tim had been pretty quiet lately, i think i've learned how to handle his comments. this is just perfect, strokeyness an all. beautiful job. i just love that fruit too.

  8. Well you tell your husband (nicely of course) that Katie likes it strokey....A lot!

  9. Great job and I love your strokes! :-)

  10. Thank God we can paint for US and not to please others. The best is when we're ALL happy.Love these pears!

  11. Ha! Classic Husbandy comment.

    I am ALWAYS looking strangely and long at produce in the grocery store. I'm sure I'm perceived as pretty weird.


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