
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Cupcake II, Original Oil Painting by Kelley Carey MacDonald

6x6 inches
This Dunkin Donuts cupcake is possibly going to live with the first one I did.  I've done a couple for the collector, and she gets to choose today's or tomorrow's cupcake.  The other one will be for sale after she decides. I used to dread painting the frosting, but now I luuuurve it!  And the paper cupcake cup... I love making the edges, the folds and the glow.  I guess what doesn't kill us makes us stronger!
Hey... Susan Roden!  Lookie here - flinging the frosting at you in California!
I'm hoping you all had a warm and happy Thanksgiving.  We sure did here, and are pretty much all healthy again, which, .... hey, we were thankful for that, too!
Here's something I'm grateful for that I never, ever thought I would be.  I went out and bought a new recliner today - something else I never thought I'd do.  But lately my 4 o'clock 'power nap' has turned into a circus, with either or both of the cats, plus Paco and me on my Dad's old recliner (think Frasier's Dad's..).  The spring on one side was shot, so you leaned waaaay to the left, and you had to kick wildly to get the foot rest down.  We won't mention the cat 'decorations' in the beige (lovely color) upholstery.  Anyway, you know what I realized?  I bought the same... the SAME recliner, only about 20 years newer.  Same color.  Size.  Feel.  Me and my Dad are connecting, I guess.  
And I'm thankful for that, too.


  1. I love it Kelley! Awesome job! Now I'm going to be craving cupcakes, thanks:) I'm sure I told you this before but I love your signature, I'm trying to figure out something cool like that.

  2. Love the cupcake Kelley, it doesn't seem possible that you ever struggled with frosting! Love the recliner story too!!

  3. Fabulous! I just love the paper cup...and you are right it glows. The little sprinkles on top and the delicious frosting make it look so tempting!

  4. great post about the recliner-let's see a painting of your new throne. Cupcake looks so delicious-one of your best.

  5. A delicious and so well done cupcake...I don't care for frosting..but you have made me almost want to take a little swipe at it.

  6. one of your best and sweetest yet Kelley!
    Hope you have fine dreams in your new recliner...WInnie barks frantically whenever we put ours in recline we have to do it when she's not around...

  7. You have really mastered the frosting, what a delightful little painting, I'm sure your client will be thrilled. Yes it did sound like nap time became quite the circus. Only you Kelley, only you. So is the recliner at home or at the studio?

  8. Well done, Kelley. Love the cupcake liner & of course, the frosting. Sweet dreams in the new recliner.

  9. Kelley,
    Love this cupcake. It is so full of wonderful little details- the frosting is yummy with just the right highlights to suggest the richness of the chocolate- and the paper liner is translucent and textured at the same time. Big Wow!

  10. Yummy!!! One powerful, sweet statement. Love it!

  11. Yummy cupcake! Have you ever thought of writing and illustrating a children's book? Your words are as delicious as your art.

  12. Thank you, guys! Sally, I can picture how relaxing this would be with the dog barking like crazy!
    Amy, it's in my HOUSE - and, to my shock and chagrin, hubby wanted to put the old, crappy recliner in the guest room upstairs - and so it goes...
    Thanks, Carole, um... yeah, I actually love to write and have a 'long' plan... :)

  13. Kicking Kelley -you are the Contessa of sweets!

    After eating all those cupcakes you will need to lay back on the recliner - good purchase choice. (Thinking on getting my hubby one for xmas.)

  14. OMG.... your work makes me *smile*!!! I just saw this on my dashboard and my eyes lit up like a little child!!! Great work, my friend!!


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