
Friday, October 22, 2010

Mum's The Word, Original Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald

These mums are called Flamingo.  They're a new kind, and they are deep pinky salmon with orangy centers.  Now that I've uploaded it I can see glare in the middle of the photo - apologies.  I'll try again tomorrow, hopefully with better light.
I thought this would be a tedious painting, but it turned out to be downright joyful to paint!  I loved the way the depth just kind of evolved, loosely, with various leaves and stems.  Normally I'd overwork this part, but somehow I didn't feel the need to!
We did value studies in class today - SUCH a valuable lesson, no matter HOW long you've been painting!


  1. Kelley, love the alluring depths in these mums. Nice.

  2. Wonderful, probably freaking stunning (without the glare factor.) Darker paintings are so hard to photo-- You've been busy, I need to visit your blog more often!!

  3. Lovely, Kelley! So different from your previous painting...different mood. I really like the mass of the blooms and the way you handled the lighting details. Not easy!

  4. Kelley, This looks like a hard one, that turned out beautifully! Great job!

  5. Love the way you captured the mood and the colorful detail without much fuss. Wonderful!

  6. What a daunting subject but you handled it beautifully. Love the pops of orange in the flowers.

  7. Gorgeous pinks! They look so great next to the dark background. Wonderful job of showing light on the petals without over working it.

  8. Kelley...just love this!! way not to over work. perfect!


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