
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Crayolas, 6x6 Inch Original Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald

My fellow DPO'er, Dana Cooper did a series of crayola crayons recently - and I loved them.  Wanted to paint them sooo bad!  (I have a bad crayon story from kindergarten!)  Well, I'll tell you they were a challenge!  Long thin poles with wrappers with designs - whew!  Well, I'm having fun making posters for my Open Studio in Warren this weekend (see upper right side of my blog) - I find the more you fool around with Microsoft Work, the easier it gets.  
And in case you haven't heard, the pug who thinks I'm poisoning him with expensive gently cooked-no by-products dog food WILLINGLY crunched open the 'level' part of a level that fell onto the floor - yeah, they're filled with ethanol, so we had to call Poison Control for him!  He's fine...


  1. Aw, poor Paco..that is a grat picture.
    I don't get anything in that box avout Warren.

  2. I love the crayons Kelley, great job! Also, poor Paco! He doesnt know how good he has it!!! I glad he is ok now!

  3. I loved my crayons and their smell, a big box made me feel exalted--these are charming.

  4. I love your crayons! I think you should do a new series of them. Then your paintings will make me want to create art, not eat donuts!! : )

  5. These look great Kelley, makes me want to try a few more!
    That Paco is a rascal, glad he's okay!!

  6. Great job with the crayolas Kelley! It's funny how some of the things we think should be simple to paint turn out to be much harder once the painting has started.

  7. Excellent job!! You made it look so easy. Love the colors and the inspiration of drawings yet conceived and created. Glad Paco is fine and entertaining you. Enjoy every minute. He's a doll.

  8. Happy Paco is ok and love the Crayon painting. I bought a box to paint but just haven't put paint to canvas after I set them up and thought...this is harder than I thought. Way to go. You and Dana "rule".

  9. Kelley, These crayons looks effortless, great colors! Ajob well done! Glad to hear that Paco is all OK! By the way, he sure is a busy little guy!

  10. I agree with Kate..more crayons..stop us from eating donuts and cupcakes..Love the to hear the kindergarden story

  11. Wow! Glsad to hear your dog is O. K. Great design and job on the crayolas

  12. When I was a smocking designer, my most loved design by my customers was that of crayons. I think your painting is fantastic---just love the colors. I also have a pug named Atticus. Glad Paco is alright.

  13. love these crayons and I'll bet they are quite the challenge! wonder if the pug wants a cupcake?!

  14. Glad the doggy is OK! Crayons have that fun appeal to them and I can see why you'd want to paint them. But man, those long skinny things would probably drive me crazy if I tried to paint them. You did a great job with them!

  15. Do i hear a "crayon off" in the making? well done Kelley.

  16. Love the photo of your pug--got a good chuckle. Beautiful work!

  17. Sounds like Paco is just being stubborn.



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