
Friday, September 17, 2010

Determination, Original Oil Painting by Kelley Carey MacDonald

This little girl was stomping around the beach in her brand new pink Crocks, with her big sunglasses and pink bow in her hair, when I snapped her photo.  The beach in Nantasket is hard gray sand, which is really nice to walk on - or stomp on, as she was doing!  I loved her huge strides, her purposeful arm swinging, and her hairdo - all reminded me very much of my own Molly, when she was little. This painting was posted about 18 months ago, but the owner kindly brought it back to me so I could photograph it.  I'm thrilled that she feels the same way as I do about this little girl! 
I'm getting ready to head to the Cape next week for a week of uninterrupted painting.  Part of the deal is that I do a commissioned work for the owners of the cottage - a very generous couple who are collecting work this way.  So I will spend a portion of each day laying out plans for that, memorizing color, feeling the breezes, imprinting the sky so I can pick the best time of day to capture their chosen scene.
Where will I be exactly?  In Heaven, I think.


  1. Love that determined little girl and how wonderful to be able to stay at the Cape. Need an assistant? :)

  2. I love this little "stomper!" I believe she is someone who knows exactly who she is!

  3. I think you captured her body language perfectly!

    Have a great time in heaven next week!

  4. Great gesture in that figure. Have a great time on the Cape.

  5. This little girl shows such determination and intention. You sure captured her intensity, yet with such soft and pleasing colors! Love it.

  6. A painting sabbatical ahhhh..............heavenly yes!

  7. She looks like she determined to head to Dick Blick and buy a car full of supplies. LOL! Nice painting, definitely captured her determination. Enjoy the week.

  8. It is impossible to look at this painting and hear the story without feeling good all over. Personally I want to be this little girl, forever.

  9. Love this little girl Kelley! Your trip sounds wonderful, have fun!

  10. You totally got this child's determination. Love it!

  11. The movement and feeling in this painting are just so expressive and fun!

  12. Personality Plus, and you captured it! Have a great time :)

  13. Congratulations on the sale....I love the pink shoes and bow. She is determined, isn't she!


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