
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Always Responsibly, Original Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald

Last week Carol Marine came to my studio and gave a workshop. Today's post was trying to incorporate her lesson on the color wheel.
We had an amazing time! She's an artist who knows her stuff, and knows how to teach it to you as well. She's organized, thoughtful, generous and she gives each student attention. We had kind of new artists as well as seasoned veterans. But everyone was so friendly and nice - I've had such great feedback from them! Here's a shot of what I managed to do during the workshop:

Four paintings of the same subject, 10 minutes each  - on a 6x6 panel, and

Three paintings of the same subject, 24 minutes, 12 minutes, 5 minutes!

And here we are:


  1. Glad to see you back. Nice work, sounds like the workshop was great.

  2. I just love the colors in this, Kelley!

  3. Looks like you had a wonderful time. Nice work!

  4. This certainly sounds like a great workshop...

  5. Love this one Kelley! I love how you hinted at the type yet it's perfectly clear what it says : ) And your red seal and glass is super.

  6. Oh I am jealous I was not there. I can't wait to learn more. What great exercises Carol has you do in the workshops. Love the time limitations on each piece.
    Thanks for sharing.

  7. I feel SO lucky to have been- you are the perfect hostess.
    Your paintings look great!

  8. You workshop sounds like so much fun...thanks for images and info!

  9. Thanks for sharing these exercises. Looks like a great group.

  10. Lucky you! I just love the colors you have in the 10 minute paintings of the lemon slices, especially in the lower right corner. Great shadow colors!

  11. Oh oh... Taken to drinking now, huh Jelly Queen? I'm unsure which is worse - booze or donuts?

    Kidding aside, this was a workshop to die for.
    Interesting to see one aspect was time duration, which I suck at and you've mastered Kelley. Wonderful studies.

    Welcome back!

  12. Great painting! Good reflected light, composition, color palette - ok it's all good!

    Carol's workshop looks like fun and I'm sure everyone there loved it and learned a lot. Carol is amazing! :-)

  13. Finally some new work from Ms Kelley, yay! Always Responsibly: nice color harmony there and wow, I wouldn't even attempt that label-- nice!! One of these days I too will attend a Carol Marine workshop-- will you host again in the future??

  14. Excellent, original and funny. AND politically correct.

  15. Kelley, love the limes and value exercises...I was able to go to Carol's workshop in MA and am so excited to apply what I learned and post my efforts, but they don't have nearly the clarity of your limes!

  16. Love the range of greens in this(with the "smidge" of red) and the way the colors compliment so well. Great job on that glass!

    You painted all the studies so well, and I know those 10 minute babies are HARD to do!

  17. This came out beautiful Kelley!!
    I have yet to do my post but I spent yesterday at my studio repeating the lessons that she gave us.
    She rocks!

  18. well, i'm glowing green. i'd love to attend one of her workshops! beautiful work! i love the bottle to, nothing like a G&T!

  19. ooh, la, la! I love your value studies - very dynamic - very good - - - they are beautiful!!!

    I see one of my favorite girls in the very front sitting down - ooooh, how I wish I gotten to go yours AND the one a the PCA! How selfish I am, wanting to take up all that space -

    I like the ground this cupcake is on and how you are treating the edges - also the paper for the cupcake is spot on - nice job (and willpower, I'm impressed all around!)

  20. Love the green in the bottle! Excellent stuff...looks like you learned a lot from the workshop and had a great time :)

  21. Love the green in the bottle and background! Looks like you learnt a lot and had a good time, great to see! :)


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