
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Same, But Different, Original Oil Painting By Kelley MacDonald

This weekend I was part of the South Coast Open Studio Tour.  I was overwhelmed with the number of people who follow my blog who stopped by!  One gentleman came specifically (drove an hour) for a donut painting he'd seen on the blog that had 'pre-sold' (the purchase was just before the open studio, but I got to put the painting out to show it anyway), and he was very disappointed.  I promised to work on another one for him and would make sure he had one in hand by the end of Sept (I am hosting a Carol Marine Workshop in my studio AND spending a week on the Cape painting Ptown), so here I am, not only firing a SALVO to Susan Roden in our Donut War, but working on his piece!
I'm humbled by the sheer number of people who came and supported me this weekend - people I hadn't seen in YEARS, people I'd never met in person - it was great.  And now I have to try to catch up to mark my paintings sold on the blog that went to new homes!
*Not For Sale


  1. I must have this! Its mine!
    Just kidding- good for you for doing it so quickly for that poor guy that drove so far for a donut.
    It is a killer!

  2. Glad your weekend was such a success and fun besides.

  3. What a weekend! I always love your jelly donuts!

  4. Congrats Kelley, your boundless energy is amazing! Love your work

  5. Congrats on the weekend. What a devoted follower. I love that story. And this painting is YUMMY - it glistens. Congrats. Tell Carol hello!

  6. What a fantastic week-end for you! Congratulations on all your sales.

    Your donut looks yummy - as always! And the little drip of jelly looks so good.

  7. Well I think you have become Queen of the Jellies Kelley! (A friend of mine commented how sexual your imagery of jelly is - believe that?)

    Bang, bang, bang to me - ouch!

    So glad the open studio was a success, regardless of the rain. Can't keep a good donut down, is what I like to say.

    So glad you're back + the war continues.

  8. Despite the downpour, so glad it ended successfully. What a guy to drive to buy one of your donuts. His painting looks yummy.

  9. I can't get enough of your jelly donut paintings, so any excuse you need to make more of them is fine by me!

  10. Congrats on such a successful weekend! Your donuts are the best!

  11. I've been away and unconnected for a week and the donut wars are still on! How delightful!
    Congratulations on the great turnout at the show. It sounds like a very positive and motivating experience!

  12. Congrats, Kelley!!
    OMG... I must say that I can almost touch that jelly coming out of this donut!! It's awesome, girlfriend!! Now I'm!!

  13. Wow dudeette, that is great news! How wonderful for you to have someone drive for an hour for one of your jellies! I can relate, I absolutely LOVE your donuts. I've seen so many really good ones, but there is just something very special about yours! Congratulations on all of the visitors and sales, so well deserved! Bravo!

  14. Who knew a donut could be a work of art!

    Nice reflections on that little drop of jelly!

    So glad to hear you had so many people supporting you too, Kelley!


  15. Is this all palette Knife?
    It stopped me, and I had to keep looking,WOW! A knockout!
    Hope to attend a workshop soon!


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