
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Rocket Launch In The Donut War, Original Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald


In a spirit of friendship, and painterly competition, my fellow Daily Painters Originals member Susan Roden and I are deep into a Donut War. Painting something so simple as a ball of fried dough, dusted in sugar, with juicy jam spilling out is an EXCELLENT exercise for our skills. It's all in fun, and no donut was devoured in the making of this painting....
This is a Dunkin Donuts Jelly

WHAT KIND of donut should I paint next?????


  1. This is simply marvelous ... and yummy ... and an incredible painting. My only question is this - "What happens to the donuts when you are done painting them????????
    And ... have you talked the donut shop in to letting you sell you art there yet?

  2. Scary how well you know these donuts!
    I think you should do a twisted cruller with a cuppa

  3. Wonderful result here from the sugar dusted crust to that beautfiul drip of transparent jelly.

  4. Thanks Leslie.. a) the donut us USUALLY hard from being under the lights.. so - bye-bye, and b) I have a gallery who wants only donut paintings, but I AM on the Dunkin Donuts Facebook Fanpage, posting my pieces! :)

  5. Seriously, I cannot look at your posts first thing in the morning. Dunkin Donuts is just too close!

    I love the translucency of that little drop of jelly. Honestly, I don't know how you do that so well!

  6. Are you sure this is a painting, Kelley. I swear I can smell this favoriet. My mom used to give us jelly donuts every friday morning when I was little. This vendor would come up the street yelling "donuts, bread" and she'd runout and get 6 jelly donuts; one for each of us 6 kids. Yes, I said a vendor would come up the street. Showing my age here, I know. We also had Pony Boy ice cream, the rag man, the kerosene man and the walking policeman. Wow, that was soooo long ago.
    Hey, where's my jelly donut?

  7. Evidently your "years" of studying donuts has paid off. Another yummy piece. Now somehow my zone bar for breakfast just isn't satifying.

  8. Oh my gosh ...this is so life looks delicious! I'd love to see you paint an eclair...does that count as a donut?

  9. The black background really works with the sugar dusting, and that oozing jelly is the perfect touch. Great job!

  10. You need to paint one of my favorites. The Boston Cream. Yum.
    All kidding aside, these paintings are great Kelly.

  11. Classic, Kelley.....just perfect. How about a lemon filled donut.

  12. The ethereal light shining thru the translucent ridges of a French cruller donut - whatever they are called, the ones with diagonal 'treads', that always seems angelic to me.
    That could be a challenge........did you do one of those yet?
    Every donut you have painted, the painting is too good for a mere donut!!!!!

  13. Really great job w/ the little bit of highlight on th jelly!

  14. One of your best donut paintings yet!!! Love it. Hungry and it looks yummy. Congrats!

  15. This looks just tooo deliceous and I'm on a diet too. Wonderful painting just yummy!

  16. I zoomed in and the little jelly oozing out is just amazing. I think maybe an apple fritter, is that a donut? hhmm

  17. You DEFINITELY bagged it this with one! My mouth watered just looking at it. It's wonderful!

  18. You guys are GOOD with the suggestions... keep them coming! I need all the help I can get.... I've seen Susan's work!

  19. This one looks soooo good! I have to say that this one may be my favorite - so far! I hope you have a large donut budget so support the war and that the soldiers don't gain too many extra pounds! :-)

  20. How about a donut with a great big bite taken out of it?
    You could make that sacrifice for your art, couldn't you?
    I just ~love~ the whole 'donut wars' idea. And think it's so cool that you have a gallery taking all your donut art.
    Donut holes? Baker's dozen in a box?

  21. Brilliant! Wow! So REAL looking... my fingers are sticky! I vote for a cake donut with frosting and stripe-y glaze or sprinkles (After the French cruller!)

  22. dude!!! you know how i feel about your donuts! wow, i love this. it's got such feeling and life and it's just a ball of fried dough as you pointed out. how 'bout a danish?

  23. Yummm...I am in the mood for a twisted one on one of your beautiful antique plates.

  24. This is OUTSTANDING Kelley! (I would have to vote for this myself.)
    But now we're getting orders.

  25. Kelley this is scrumptuous! Well done turning the right edge into shadow too!

  26. Kelley, Just stunning! This donut is so lifelike I just want to reach out and take a bite! Fabulous!

  27. Absolutely fantastic painting Kelley! Whew! Well, you can paint the next one for me. If I do it for myself I will eat it ...

  28. I can't add anything that everyone hasn't already covered about this painting - it's great! I love that jelly oozing out.

  29. This is the most delicious one yet! That jelly looks like a little jewel from heaven and the pastry as if it would melt like butter. Incredible work, Kelley!

  30. Kelley!

    Out of all your recent donut paintings, this is the strongest IMHO.

    The dark background makes this tasty still life look almost elegant.

    And the subtle drip of jelly instantly catches the eye!

    Love this one!



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