
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

BFF's, Original Acrylic Painting by Kelley MacDonald, 6x6

These girls were watching a street performance during my recent trip to Quebec City. Everyone around me was riveted by the young men break-dancing, but I was riveted by the crowd. These young girls struck a chord. You know how it was when you wanted to wear exactly the same thing as your best friend? It's a sweet time. Speaking of sweets, I want to reassure Susan Roden that I have defnitely NOT abandoned the Donut War, and she should be ready for some incoming fire!


  1. The girls are precious and I truly remember those years. Have sisters, but wished one was my twin just for that fact.

    And so funny Kelley - the "sweet time". Going to give me some warning or bam-boozle me with frosting?

  2. Very nice, Kelley. My husband and I dress pretty much alike sometimes and not on purpose. It's one of those things that comes back in old age like needing someone to drive you to the mall, or having to be fed. when we match we are wearing jeans and black shirts (my signature outfit). Have a great day.

  3. What a sweet little painting! Perfect for a little girl's room. The blues are gorgeous!

  4. What cute friends! You did such a great job of capturing the girls. I agree with you that I love to people watch.

  5. I love this Kelly! I think you got their sweetness and preciousness.
    Love, YOUR bff

  6. I enjoy you value range. Your paintings have a ZING to them


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