
Monday, April 19, 2010

White Quince, 12x12, Oil

New camera, WOO-HOO!  I decided on a Lumix ZS7 with a 12x zoom.  I thought it would give me truer color, but.... ah, well.  These quince flowers stay mostly white when you clip them and they open indoors, but outside on the shrub they get really rosy.  When I set this up, once again, I got all nervous because of the cluster of blooms and bus at the lip of the vase, but.... yes, breathe, and just tackle once section at a time... and it worked out.  I loved seeing the little cup-shaped flowers come to life as I just painted shadows and light.... like a miracle, only really just painting!~
This painting is not for sale till June...I'l post it again when it's available!

Today my daughter Molly runs the Boston Marathon - thank all of your for your support - she is very grateful!  Wish her luck!


  1. Delightful painting, Kelley. The textures of glass, water and buds are so convincing. Enjoy your new camera!

  2. Oh this is beautiful...lovely colors and composition. Hope that your daughter did well at the marathon. That's a real accomplisment to even participate.

  3. Nice work Kelley! You really "got" those little buds just right! Good luck to Molly today! It's the perfect day for a marathon.

  4. Everything here is spot on perfect! Love the composition, your color palette, killer cast shadow, and those quince branches...WOW!

  5. Ditto what Angela just said!!! Love it! Colors are amazing, shadows and the flowers divine! Thanks for sharing your delightful world and talents with us. Hope Molly did well. What an achievement she will always remember.

  6. These colors are beautiful! You really did a great job with the composition, the vase and the shadows. It has the feeling of spring. Very nice, Kelley!

    Looking forward to hearing how Molly did in the marathon. What an accomplishment! I know you are very proud of her.

    Enjoy your camera!

  7. The other said it all, but I will add my "wow, I love it!"

  8. Kelley, lovely LOVELY blossoms! Rich, creamy whites, and that nice "cup" feel. Good Luck & GO MOLLY!!

  9. Beautiful!! Much better viewed for all the amazing detail at FULLSIZE!!

  10. Beautiful picture. I like the color and composition.
    Good luck to your daughter.

  11. Love this Kelley, the shadow rocks and the flowers are killer!

  12. Lovely subject and nicely captured. Have fun with your new camera and I hope your daughter enjoyed her marathon....brave girl!

  13. Love that lilac...the white flowers really pop. Beautifully painted, Kelley. I really like the nearly birdseye view. Congrats on the new camera. Don't you love new toys?

  14. once again, you never seize to amaze. Love the perspective. And the painting below...those ice cubes could actually melt...and the bubbles....can't say enough. Happy Patriots must be celebrating early...just noticed the time of the posting!

  15. You guys are so great! most of these comments came during the day today, when I was in 'marathon fever' - so nice to come home and see them!

  16. Kelley, These are wonderful. I love your clean, fresh colors and the view point. Very nice.

  17. I am amazed to see the painting of flowers. It really looks awesome. All I want to say is that you are a blessed artist.

  18. This is just beautiful!! Great job, Kelley - and congratulations to your daughter Molly, that is quite an accomplishment!

  19. Kelley!

    This is really quite pretty. All the purples in the background are what do it for me, especially the purple shadows.



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