
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Quince II, 12x12, Oil

Isn't technology something?  I killed my camera yesterday and was bereft because I didn't want to interrupt blogging, and I don't want to just choose any old camera - I live by my camera, so it's got to be just right!  Well, here's a photo taken with my husband's iPhone - sent to me via email, cropped in Photoshop.... and... voila!  Funny thing... to me I'm in heaven looking at this painting because I got to use my favorite "Horizon Blue" by Holbein for the Van-Gogh inspired flat background.  My husband likes the painting EXCEPT for the background color!  
This one won't be available till early June, either....  submissions, submissions!

Once again, thank you all for your comments - they matter!


  1. Kelley, the background is striking, just brilliant, I love it! Love the whole color combo!

  2. I love love love the color in this painting! It is so rich and vibrant.

  3. This one just jumped out at me. I love the colors, background included. I also love that the blue through the glass is warmer. Reminds me of Caribbean waters... How can anyone hate that???

  4. Hi Kelley! Ditto to what everyone else has said about this lovely painting. And I want to add that I stopped asking my husband for his opinions on my artwork years ago. :)

  5. Got you, Christina! and thank you Nancy, Linda and Elizabeth!

  6. The Color is Wow and I love how you represented the flowers, nice

  7. LOVE the punchy colour, that blue is yummy!

  8. I love this, Kelley!!! Beautiful and fresh!

    Keep up the beautiful work! Kisses to my bf Paco!

  9. Clearly this painting strikes a chord with many as it is luscious and gorgeous. The colors make it, both the background and the flowers. Love it!!! (Ditto on the husband speak) :)

  10. Love the background do so well with bright and bold!

  11. Beautiful!! I love the background fact, i'm off to purchase it right now. Great painting. i killed two, count 'em, two cameras over the last year. it hurts doesn't it? got a new canon and love it. i'm handling it with great care. good luck. the cell camera takes great shots too.

  12. Oh MY Goodness! Love this and love the blue background...(hey, what do husbands know?) It just sets up a color vibration with the quince...really nice!

  13. Kelley, this is to die for. The colors and great. Jeanne

  14. Great job, Kelley! Those two colors are so energetic...Love it!

  15. Looks fantastic to me. Sometimes I can't get a blue background to work with pink flowers, but yours is great. Nice!!!

  16. LOL at your husband's comment, Kelley!

    Personally, I love the blue background!


  17. Looking good Kelley - don't mind your husband's point of view. . . it's all subjective and I happen to really like the blue!

  18. Kelley love this one so much. It makes me happy to look at it!


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